Chapter 14

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After their heart to heart in the bathroom, Don and Meryl cuddled for a while then they both decided to get their chores around the apartment done while Henry was napping so they could spend time with him when he woke up and then spend time with each other that night once they put him down for the night. Meryl was in the kitchen trying to decide to make for their supper that night when she heard the doorbell. She knew that Don was up in his studio checking messages on his answering machine up there, and so she quickly went to answer the door so it wouldn't wake Henry up. She was shocked to see who was on the other side of the door, but she opened it anyway. The last thing she wanted was for this person to upset Don or Henry. "Jane?"

"I can't believe you're still here." Jane was clearly pissed off. "I'm here to see my son; unless you kicked him out again and are keeping his son away from him. I really thought you wouldn't be here."

Meryl shook her head; willing the tears not to come. "What do I have to fucking do, Jane? I wouldn't hurt MY husband or OUR son for anything in the whole fucking world. I would NEVER EVER kick him out, and I never have."

"He should fucking kick you out." Jane yelled. "You are the BIGGEST mistake he has EVER made. Ever since he met you and you have manipulated him; it has been one fucking thing after another. I mean, my God, how many times has he almost died in the past year all because of you? You say you love him, but you don't. If you didn't then you would have left before EVER coming between him and his family. You don't love him; you love to fucking control him."

By this point, Meryl was crying hysterically; which Jane, of course, didn't care about. She was feeling weak and lightheaded. She started to sway and reached out for the wall to steady her but missed and crashed to the ground. Only saying, well really whispering, one word before everything went black. "Don."


Don thought he heard the doorbell and was headed down the stairs, but when he heard a crash his heart started beating faster. All he could think about was that Mann had somehow gotten to his wife and son again. "Baby?!" Don called out as he ran to the door and his breath left him when he found his wife out cold on the floor with his mother standing over her. "What the fuck are you doing here?" Don couldn't even bother with his mother at the moment; all that mattered was his wife. He immediately got down on the floor and took her in his arms, cradling her, kissing her face over and over. "Baby, I'm here. Damn it, Dr. Abbott said this morning you were fine. Come on sweetheart, wake up, love. I'm right here. You are safe. No one is ever going to hurt you and Henry ever again."

"Don?" Meryl quickly woke up; and then realized what happened when she saw her mother-in-law standing there and she was in Don's arms. Who knew what the hell Jane said to Don. "I....I better...go."

Don moved her so she was leaned up against the wall, while still sitting on the floor; and knelt down in front of her, gently kissing her lips and then her forehead. "YOU are not the one who should leave; you should NEVER leave. This is your home, YOU are my home."

"You're my home too." Meryl cried. "It's just...she..."

Don was pretty sure he knew what happened. He placed another kiss on her lips and got up, took his mother by the arm and threw her out the door, getting in her face. "I don't know what the FUCK you said to my wife, but if I EVER see you around her or our children again then your ass is in jail."

"Don." Meryl cried as she buried her face in her hands once she heard the apartment door slam, and all the locks click. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry...I...."

Don immediately went over to her, swept her up in his arms and kissed her lips over and over. " are not the one who needs to apologize. You're coming with me."

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