Chapter 24

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A few days later Meryl was in the office she shared with Don trying to learn Polish for her upcoming movie when Henry ran in. "No mo potish, Mommy. No potish."

"Mommy needs to learn Polish, sweetie." Meryl said softly to Henry. "Mommy needs to work on this."

Don ran into the office. "I'm sorry, babe. He got away from me. He was outside with me while I sketched and then he was gone."

"He's a little monkey." Meryl appreciated that Don didn't mind having Henry outside with him while he sculpted. "I can settle him down with his trains while I work on this so you can sketch."

Don shook his head as he picked up Henry. "I'm done. I'll tell you what, I will take this monkey to the park and bring lunch back for all of us. I know I haven't left you alone here..."

"I'm fine, baby; more than fine." Meryl assured him with a kiss to his lips. "I promise. Are you sure you don't mind?"

Don shook his head as he kissed her forehead. "Of course not. Okay Bubs, say bye to Mommy."

"Bye, sugar." Meryl kissed Henry's cheek. "You have fun at the park with Daddy."

Henry clapped his hands excitedly. "Thwing! Thide!"

"We'll do the swings and the slide, Hen." Don laughed as he kissed Meryl's lips. "I'll lock the door when I leave. I love you, Darl."

Meryl leaned in so she could place a longer kiss on his lips. As hard as she knew this was for him, she was so proud of him for taking this step. She also knew why he made sure to tell her he loved her; because the day Mann took her and Henry, Don left the loft without telling her he loved her. She knew that neither one of them would make that mistake ever again. "I love you, Don Man; and you too, Henry."

"Bye, Mommy." Henry waved. "Pawk, Daddy, pawk."

Meryl waved at them as they walked out of the office and called to her husband. "I owe you." She smiled when she heard Don laugh and then the apartment door close and lock before turning back to her studies. "Okay, time to learn about Sophie."


Meryl had been working on her polish for a while when she heard their doorbell ring. She got up from the sofa in hers and Don's office, threw her glasses on the desk, and went towards the door. "Finally, a break. Hopefully, Don and Henry will be home soon." Meryl thought to herself as she opened the door and didn't see anyone there. "Hello?" Meryl said as she heard the elevator doors close, but she looked down and saw a box of chocolates with a note. She closed the door and went inside. She didn't recognize the writing on the note and when she opened it she realized they were from Don, she figured he just told the lady at the candy shop what he wanted the note to say and she wrote it out for him. Meryl smiled as she read the note:

My Dearest wife,

Henry and I were walking past this candy store and he insisted we get some chocolates for you. I thought, why not? Some sweets for my sweet. I love you, Meryl, very much so. Enjoy this sweet treat for my sweet treat.

Meryl shook her head with a laugh. "Such a goober." She smiled as she opened the box of chocolates. "I'll just have a few and share the rest with my boys when they come home."


Don was walking to their apartment building, pushing Henry in the stroller, when Henry looked back at him. "Me hungwy."

"I know, Bubs." Don walked quicker. He could shake this feeling that something was wrong with Meryl and he had to get to her as soon as possible. He tried to tell himself that he was being ridiculous, it was just the first time he left her alone in the apartment where she and Henry were abducted from and that Mann was in jail, but he still couldn't shake it. "Let's go see Mommy and then we'll pick up some lunch or order in. I'm sure Mommy is ready for a break by now."

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