Chapter 16

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Meryl felt like she hadn't been asleep very long when she heard their phone ring, and she felt Don stir in bed beside her. "I've got it, Don Man; go back to sleep."

"Get rid of whoever it is." Don said sleepily. "Stay in bed."

Meryl couldn't help but laugh at her husband as she answered the phone before it woke up Henry, or Don anymore than it already had. "Hello?"

"M, it's me." Larry said very sullenly on the other end of the line. "I am so sorry for calling in the middle of the night, but I need to talk to my brother; it's really important."

Meryl knew that whatever it was; it was serious. She turned on the light, sitting up, and kissing her husband's head. "Baby, it's Larry. He needs to talk to you. He doesn't sound good at all. He says it's really important."

"Thanks, Darl." Don said as he sat up, rubbing his eyes as he took the phone away from her. "Brother?"

Larry was trying so hard to hold it together; he had done alright when talking to his siblings and Liz, but he almost lost it when he heard Don's voice. "I'm sorry to call so late, but there's been an accident. Mom and Dad were driving home late tonight from a party at the firm and a drunk driver hit them head-on."

"Oh my god, Larry." Don said as he reached out for his wife's hand. "How are they?"

Larry was packing his and Liz's bags as he stopped to wipe away his tears. "Mom has a severe concussion and some bad bruises and cracked ribs, she's pretty banged up."

"Mike?" Don choked; he wasn't sure if he wanted to know the answer to that. "How's Papa Mike?"

Larry took a deep breath. "He has internal bleeding, some brain swelling, a lacerated liver and is on a ventilator. It's not looking good. They're preparing my plane. Lizzie and I are getting our stuff together. Listen, Don, you're family. You will always be a part of our family. I know you and M have had so much shit going on, and I'm sure they thought of going out to Indianapolis right now isn't what you want to do. However, if you want to go, I want you to ride with us."

"They are my parents, and you are family." Don said wiping his tears as Meryl was running her fingers through his hair. "Let me talk to Meryl really quick and I'll call you right back."

As soon as Don hung up the phone Meryl took him in her arms and held him. "What is it, baby? It's Mike and Maggie?"

"They were hit by a drunk driver, and it's really bad. It sounds like Mags is at least conscious, but Mike is on a ventilator and there are complications." Don said pulling away. "I need to call your mom so she and your dad can stay with you and Hen, or at least come get you two. I hate to leave you, god I hate the thought of leaving you two so much, especially now; but..."

Meryl shook her head as she wiped away his tears. "We're coming with you. You need to be there, they are your parents."

"So much more than my own." Don choked as he shook his head. "As much as I hate the thought of you two being here while I'm in Indianapolis; the thought of you two being in the same city as my mother, father, and Peggy just...."

Meryl quickly kissed his lips. "Baby, for once don't think about us. We will be fine, we will be perfectly safe because we will be you. I don't care if you arrange things with Mom, Hen and I would be on the next flight out there; and wouldn't it be better if we were all together?"

"You're something else, Mrs. Gummer." Don smiled at her. "Thank you for coming with me; I can't begin to tell you how much it means to me. I know they aren't technically my..."

Meryl pressed her finger to his lips. "They ARE your parents; they are such an important part of you, which means they are an important part of me and Henry. Not only do I want to be there for the whole family, and of course for my guy; but I can't bear the thought of us not being together right now. We are still healing."

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