Chapter 7

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The next morning, Don and Meryl got themselves and Henry ready; and loaded up in their car to go to Mason's Island. Don was relieved that Meryl was so cheerful that morning, and he hoped that meant she was truly okay. He knew that the birth of Maeve and Third's baby, as well as Larry and Liz's second baby, would be difficult for her as it would be for him; he just didn't want to make things harder for her than absolutely necessary, and he hoped this shower wouldn't make things harder for her. All the way to Mason's Island they kept up a constant stream of conversation, even Henry was included until he fell asleep; that was until Don turned by the marina towards her parents' country home in Mason's Island. As soon as he pulled around back, he parked the car and felt his wife's grip on his hand tighten. As soon as the car was in park, he turned to her and wiped away a few of her stray tears, tenderly kissing her lips. "I love you, so damn much."

"I love you too, baby; so incredibly much." Meryl whispered with a kiss to his lips. "Thank you for coming with me. I know I was acting like it was no big deal; but having you and Henry here with me means so much to me."

Don nodded as he looked in the back seat and saw that Henry was still asleep in his car seat, and then he turned his attention back to his wife. "Our boy is still sleeping. Talk to me. Honestly, how are you doing with being here?"

"I'm sad." Meryl's voice shook as she trembled a little bit, and Don immediately took her into his arms. "The last time we were here..."

Don nodded with a kiss to her head; knowing she was talking about burying William. "That is one of the many reasons I wanted, I needed, to be here with you today. It isn't just about wanting to be here for you; it's that I needed to be with you for myself."

"I'm glad you're here." Meryl choked into his neck before pulling away and he dried her tears. "I'm just sad; I want this to be a shower for our baby."

Don nodded as a few tears appeared in his eyes. "Me too, love; that is why I am so damn proud of you for doing this. However, if this is making things harder on you..."

"It's not." Meryl shook her head as she gently kissed his lips. "I meant what I said; I feel like this is important in our healing. Third and Maeve, as well as Liz and Larry, are having babies in the next few months; not only are all of them family to us, but they're our closest friends. I'm happy for them. Don Man, as much as I love this time with you and Henry in Millerton; we've been tucked away. We eventually needed to enter the real world again, and this is part of our reentry. Thank God you are here with me for the first step; I don't know HOW I thought I could do this without you here, with you all the way back in Millerton, because there is no way in hell I could have."

Don gently kissed her forehead. "You never have to face ANYTHING alone, Darl. Now, I know Hen and I will be fishing with your dad; but we'll just be on the dock, I will be on the property. I am not leaving the property. So if at ANY time you need me; just come and get me."

"That's one thing that is getting me through." Meryl smiled at him as she took a deep breath. "You and Henry are getting me through."

Henry started to wake up and rubbed his eyes. "Mama, Dada...shhhhh."

"For a jabber jaw, he doesn't like it when we talk." Don teased Meryl as they looked back at Henry. "Buddy, we're at Grandma Mary and Grandpa Harry's."

Meryl smiled back at their son; melting at the sight of his little smile, he looked so much like Don that it always melted her heart. "You and Daddy and Grandpa Harry are going to go fishing. Doesn't that sound like fun?"

"Ishy?" Henry's little blue eyes lit up. "Ishy, Daddy, ishy!"

Don laughed as he gave Meryl another kiss. "Then come on!"

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