Chapter 27

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"What in the hell do you mean they don't know where she is?" Don barked as Meryl was rubbing his neck. He knew she was doing that in order to try and keep him calm but there was no way in hell that was going to happen. "Can't they look her up and find her address? If the police sure can't then I will hire a private investigator."

Meryl not only hated that the woman who had obviously tried to deliberately poison her was on the loose; but also that her husband was so upset by it. "I know what help the police were when you and Don and everyone were trying to find me and Hen, but I have to say that today I don't have a whole lot of confidence after they tore my husband from my bedside and fucking arrested him for something he would never ever do. Didn't they stop to consider that someone might be framing him?"

"I know you two are upset about that, I am as well. The District Attorney is livid, but we have been making sure they follow every lead including the security cameras in your building and questioning the chocolate store." Larry pointed out. "Believe me, I am breathing down their necks like I never have before and they are on top of this."

Don was still incredibly frustrated. While he was still very upset he was accused of hurting his wife and arrested at her bedside while her heart had stopped; he was just as upset and furious over the fact that they couldn't seem to find the person who tried to kill his wife. "I mean, don't they have records where they can look up her fucking address or something? I understand that this is Manhattan and she could be anywhere; but why not start with the obvious first?"

"They got a warrant and went over to her apartment." Larry began to understand. "When she didn't answer the police busted in and her apartment is cleaned out. They questioned the landlord and he said that she moved out suddenly, first thing this morning."

Don shot Meryl a look as he shook his head. "Well, that's pretty damn incriminating if you ask me."

"She is just digging herself further and further into a hole." Larry explained. "The owner of the chocolate store identified Sigourney as the one to buy the chocolates not long before the time stamp on the security footage. We have the footage of her entering your building, ringing the doorbell and placing the chocolates in front of your door before running off and it shows Meryl answering the door and looking around."

Meryl couldn't help but smile at Don; he insisted after what happened with Mann that cameras be installed in the building and even helped pay for them. "Good thinking getting those cameras, Gummer."

"This wasn't the psycho I thought you would need protection from." Don said with great frustration. "Though I am glad we have some answers now. So, what do we do in the meantime?"

Larry knew that would be Don's first question. "As much as I know you love this answer, just as much as I love saying it, but you wait. We wait. We have cops scouring the city looking for her."

"Great." Meryl sighed as she laid her head back against the pillow. "It's going to be all over the press."

That was the last thing in the world Don wanted after everything his wife had been through; he wanted her to have the privacy she deserved, he wanted their family to have privacy. "Larry, they are not saying who the victim is, are they? I already talked to Hal about confidentiality here at the hospital and I really do think we are safe on that here."

"No, the victim's identity is confidential." Larry assured them. "I have covered our tracks in that area."

Don nodded. "I want a guard placed at our apartment and one with Harry, Mary, and Hen. I know you already have a guard placed at your apartment while Hen is there and I greatly appreciate it. I will pay whatever it costs. Baby, are you okay with it?"

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