Chapter 11

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After a while of playing trains with Henry, he was soon content to play by himself and wasn't paying much attention to his parents; Don nodded towards the bed and scooted to sit up against Henry's bed, and soon pulled Meryl to sit on his lap. "I thought we could talk while he's distracted."

"Good idea." Meryl said as they talked quietly. "I really don't want to leave him in a room by himself so we can talk after earlier; I already don't know what to do about tonight."

Don nodded as he tucked her hair behind her ear. "I don't either, baby. I'm worried about him; I mean, it has been MONTHS since he had a terror. Then we come back here and he immediately has one."

"Do you think it's because he fell asleep in one place and woke up someplace else?" Meryl asked as she was trying to think through this. "I mean it has been over 2 months since we've been here."

Don shook his head; he had thought about that as well. "Possibly; but I don't know, he falls asleep one place and ends up another quite often. I mean I know this was a new place to him, but we were here for a month or so before going out to Millerton; before and after, you know..."

"I know, baby." It was still hard for them to talk about the time she and Henry were away from him. "Do you think we need to have him checked out? See what Liz thinks since she checked him out after everything happened?"

Liz was a licensed child psychologist though she had taken a break from her private practice to care for Suzie; she did keep up with continuing education classes so she could keep her license. Before she had told them that Henry was too young for therapy and he was reacting as any toddler would after trauma; that everything was normal with everything he had gone through. It was one of the many reasons they were always relieved when Liz would watch Henry; they knew she would tell them if there were a reason to be concerned. "I think that's a good idea, Darl. I can call and see if she can come over; if you're comfortable with it."

"I would feel so much better." Meryl said as she kissed his cheek and laid her head on his shoulder while they continued to watch Henry happily play. "I kind of feel like we're at square one again. I know it's only one terror; but do we have him sleep with us again? Do we turn all the lights on?"

Don wanted to do the right thing by Henry; but he also didn't want to undo all the progress Henry had made. "Let's see what Liz thinks. My gut tells me is to have him sleep in his own bed, but to keep all the lights on. But I really don't know, M; I really thought we were past this."

"I did too, baby." Meryl said as she kissed his neck and rubbed her nose against his cheek. "We'll figure it out."

Don wrapped his arms tighter around her. "How are you doing, baby? I mean with being back here and everything and Hen's terror."

"Me?" Meryl asked as he nodded and she evaluated how she was feeling. "I'm really okay; it felt right to be back here. I'm just so worried about him."

Don tenderly brushed his lips across hers. "I know, sweetheart; I am as well."

"I know you are." Meryl whispered as she stroked she mole underneath his right eye. "How's my guy?"

Don exhaled loudly. "I'm like you; I know being home is the right thing to do. His screams just shook me to my core."

"I know." Meryl choked as she gently nibbled on his lips. "I know, baby."

Henry looked up and saw his parents kissing and ran to jump in their laps. "No issy!"

"No issy?" Don tickled Henry, so happy to hear him joyful and laughing. "Mommy, he says no issy."

Meryl got up and threw Henry playfully on his bed as she kissed his face and Don tickled him. "I think we need to kiss him, Daddy."

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