Chapter 60

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"Meryl!" Don woke up later that morning in a start. He could hear her telling him how she thought she needed to leave him and Henry while Jane was there because she thought it was what was best for everyone involved, especially him. But he told her it wasn't. He now realized he had been dreaming that she actually left, however, now that he was awake he didn't see her anywhere in sight which scared him because she hadn't left his side since she woke up in the middle of the night to find him downstairs having chest pains. He was afraid of two things. 1: that his mother somehow got to her. 2: that Meryl really did think that he and Henry were better off without her. Don lowered his head, running his fingers through his head, as he shook his head over and over. Not even hearing his hospital room door open. "I'm sorry, Meryl. I'm so sorry, please be okay."

Meryl had walked into Don's room after going down to the cafeteria to get some juice and then some breakfast to share. He had been sleeping so soundly, especially due to the medications that he had been on, that she didn't think he would wake up. She was worried that not only was he awake, but he seemed pretty upset about something. Not only was he upset, but he thought she was in danger. After everything that happened in the past year, she understood why he would think that, but it still broke her heart. She quickly sat the food down on the counter in his hospital and immediately went over to his bed, sitting down next to him and running her fingers through his hair. "Baby, I'm right here. There is no reason for you to be sorry, Don Man."

"Darl!" Don wrapped his arms around her as he sighed in relief. "Oh, thank god. I was so worried that either she got to you or you really did think Hen and I would be better off if you left. That is my biggest fear and worst nightmare, that my family would take you away from me and Henry. We wouldn't be better off. I would be so fucking devastated."

Meryl was rubbing his back as she could feel him trembling. "No one will EVER take me from you and Hen, or you away from us. And I would NEVER EVER leave you. I'm sorry I scared you, sweetheart. I just went to get you something to eat."

"I should have known better." Don said shaking his head as he pulled away. "I just had a nightmare and woke up and you were gone, so I kind of freaked. I'm sorry, Darl."

"You don't need to apologize, Don Man, for ANYTHING." Meryl said strongly. "I remember feeling that way after Sigourney and we were here in the hospital and I had my nightmares. Want to tell me about it?"

Don nodded, even though there wasn't much to tell. "It really wasn't much, just me hearing you say you thought you needed to leave. I am so damn grateful we talked all of it through in the wee hours of the morning. Maybe my meds are just messing with me."

"You're on too many for that not to happen." Meryl said tenderly as she kissed his lips. "You feel better, though? You know that it is us together forever, no matter what and no matter who?"

Don smiled as he cupped her head in his hands and tenderly kissed her lips. "Better than anything. I guess I was just missing my girl."

"I'm glad." Meryl said as she realized how this whole thing with how his mother treated her really affected him more than she had realized, she was so thankful that she was the one that got to be with him and nurse him back to health. It was an honor and privilege she didn't take for granted, and she knew she never would. "Now, let's get my guy something to eat."


"Well..." Don began as Meryl sat down next to him on the bed facing him when Dr. Abbott left. "That isn't the news I wanted."

Meryl agreed as Dr. Abbott had said he wanted to keep Don in the hospital another day or so. His levels weren't great due to the infection, and they knew his best chance of getting better faster was through IV antibiotics. "I know, baby, and I, of course, want you home. However, if it is best for you to be here then that is where we will be."

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