Chapter 31

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Don and Meryl were laying back in their makeshift double hospital bed when Larry peeked his head in. "Can I come in?"

"Of course." Meryl said as she lifted her head from where it was resting against Don's chest; and he helped her sit up. "Come in."

Don noticed the briefcase in Larry's hand and that he was dressed in a suit. "Bad news?"

"You're just going to get down to it." Larry laughed. "Aren't you?"

Don wrapped his arm around his wife, keeping her close. "I know you; and I can tell it's serious."

"Is Don in danger?" Meryl asked worriedly. "Henry?"

Don sighed loudly as he placed a kiss on top of her head. "I haven't been the target; though I wish to hell I would have been."

"Okay you two, take a breath." Larry said holding up his hands to his good friends. "I do not believe any of you are in danger any longer; and I want to keep it that way which is why I needed to visit with you. We are going to keep it that way."

Don was taking a calming breath and nodded. "I know that is your goal as well; and that means so much to me."

"And to me." Meryl said as she kissed Don's cheek and then looked at his best friend. "So tell us. What's the latest?"

Larry nodded as he pulled out a manilla envelope. "The police broke her down and she told them where she moved all of her things."

"Oh?" Don asked somewhat surprised. "Were they expecting to find some thing?"

Larry nodded. "They were and they did. They found vials of Penicillin as well as vials of the narcotics she injected into your system, Don."

"Wow." Meryl breathed as she shook in her husband's arms. "So this was obviously all very pre-meditated."

Larry handed over the file to Don and Meryl. "Very much so. They found copies of medical journals and she highlighted the sections on allergic reactions and anaphylactic shock."

"She's fucking crazy." Don breathed as he and Meryl looked through the article and pictures in the envelope that Larry had given them. "Larry, she was fucking following Meryl and Henry around in London last summer. I wasn't even there. What? Was she going to try to fucking kill my wife then?"

Tears were streaming down Meryl's face as she flipped through picture after picture proving that Sigourney had been stalking them: when they brought Henry home from the hospital, their court appearances for Mann and James and Peggy, Don and Henry out alone, Meryl and Henry out alone and of course Meryl and Don. "Oh my god, there are pictures of us at my parents in Mason's Island just a few weeks ago during our private picnic. We were being watched?"

"And of us leaving the hospital after losing William!" Don was incredulous. "So, she knew. She fucking knew that my wife had gone through awful pain, then when we saw her she TAUNTED Meryl about it."

Larry's heart hurt for his best friends. "I am so sorry; she is certifiable, no doubt."

"All that matters is she didn't hurt Henry and Don." Meryl choked as she looked at Don. "And my husband saved me over and over just as he always does."

Don gave Larry back the file as he pulled Meryl closer to him and kissed the top of her head. "I always will. She has to pay, Larry; and I will do whatever I can to make sure that happens. I also want protective orders against her; I don't want her anywhere near my wife and son."

"Or Don." Meryl shook her head as tears continued to pour from her eyes. "She is obviously obsessed with getting him back. Who knows what she might do to him in order to make that possible."

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