Chapter 3

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After their heart to heart the day before, Don and Meryl were closer than ever. Meryl kept telling Don that he could go out to his studio and work while they were still in Millerton but Don didn't feel like it. He just wanted to spend as much time with Meryl and Henry as possible before they were both back to work, and Meryl loved it. She didn't want to let him out of her sight either, or Henry. Even though she told him to work, she was so glad he didn't want to; after everything, she relished being in his presence. Even though Don had told her over and over how they were better than ever, Meryl was still apologizing to him for how she pushed him away after they lost William Walker; and Don told her over and over to stop apologizing. He wasn't mad at her, and he sure didn't blame her because of the absolute hell she had gone through. He was just relieved that they were back to how they were before they lost William; no they weren't like they were, they were closer and more in love than ever.


Don and Meryl had just put Henry down for bed and Don kissed her lips once they walked out of his bedroom. "Will you be okay by yourself for a bit?"

"Yeah, of course." Meryl said somewhat surprised. She was a little worried he was going somewhere, but she was trying desperately to be okay with one of them running errands while the other was staying behind. Though they hadn't yet, not even when she had tried to push him away, she knew that time would eventually come. "You going somewhere?"

Don shook his head as he pulled her close. "I'm just not feeling very well; so I thought I would meet you downstairs in a little bit."

"Are you okay?" Meryl asked concerned as she put her hand up to his head. "Is it your head? Your ribs? Do we need to get back to the city so you can see Dr..."

Don silenced her with a kiss. "My beautiful wife just stuffed me with my favorite dinner. I'm really okay, love, I promise you. I'm just going to take something but I'll be down in a little bit."

"Want me to come with you?" Meryl asked as she was afraid she had been ignoring him when she pushed him away and maybe missed the signs of something being wrong with him. Then she was afraid the way she had treated him caused him so much stress that it made him sick, and if that were the case she knew she would never forgive herself. "Can I do anything for you, baby? Go get you something? Maybe some Ginger Ale? Saltines?"

Don silenced her with a kiss. He was feeling fine but he had a surprise up his sleeve that he just needed to put into action, and was trying to do so. "I'm fine, baby, really. I'll meet you downstairs in a bit."

"You'll call for me if you need me?" Meryl asked. "If I can do anything for you at all? I want to, baby."

Don tenderly kissed her lips as he gazed into her eyes. "Of course. Just go relax and I'll be down in a little bit."

"Don Man?" Meryl called to him as he began to walk away, and then he turned towards her. "I love you, so much."

Don started second guessing this plan as he could see the worried look on her face; and walked back over to her, kissing her...again. "I love you, my girl, always. I'm fine, love, just go relax."

"Okay." Meryl kept telling herself she was overreacting, that he was fine, that they were so much better than they ever were; though she didn't think that was possible. "See you soon."

Don quickly headed in the direction of their bedroom, then the bathroom, to get the surprise ready; he didn't want her to worry any more than she already was.


Don smiled at how he was able to arrange, and yet hide, everything from her so it would be a surprise. After taking one final look around he went to the stairs still in his pajamas and yelled down to her. "Darl?"

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