Chapter 50

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While Don was shaving and brushing his teeth after their wonderful shower together, Meryl got ready by putting her hair up in a messy bun and putting some light makeup on as well as some simple jewelry. She looked at the clock and it was only mid-afternoon, and with the excitement of Suzie's birthday as well as Halloween, she was happy that both Henry and Suzie were still sleeping. Meryl was about to walk out of the bedroom to make sure Henry and Suzie's Halloween costumes, and their little pumpkins to put their candy in, were ready when she felt a pair of arms snake their way around her waist from behind as well her favorite pair of lips on her neck. "And where do you think you're going?"

"Don." Meryl moaned at the sensations he was already stirring within her...again. It always amazed her that no matter how many orgasms she had, her husband was always able to make her want and need him in minutes. "Baby, I need to make sure Suzie and Henry's costumes are ready for tonight as well as their little pumpkins. Then I need to figure out what I'm going to make for supper."

Don shook his head as he turned her around and pushed her towards the bed. "Their costumes and pumpkin containers for the candy are all together and in the media room downstairs; where you put them earlier, including everything you wanted to make our Suzie girl into a princess. I have the extras for our boy's costume. You made up the taco meat for tonight this morning. We have a few hours before we need to do all that."

"I'm sure there is more I should be..." Meryl looked up at him as she cocked her eyebrow when he pushed her down on the bed and climbed in bed beside her. "And just want do you think you're doing?"

Don laughed as he took her in his arms. "We are going to relax for a little bit. As much as we love having our Suzie girl here; it has been go, go, go since Lizzie went into labor. The house is clean. The laundry is pretty caught up. You're not working until they get funding for the movie figured out."

"True." Meryl laughed. "Good thing I got paid when I signed the contract."

Don shook his head as she threw her leg over his hip and she laid her head on his chest while he kissed her head. "It wouldn't have mattered; we'd figure it out. My point is, let's just relax."

"Such a smart man." Meryl winked at him with a tender kiss to his while she ran her fingers through his hair. "It is Saturday after all."

Don nodded as he grabbed the throw at the end of the made bed and threw it over them. "Yes, it is. By the way, have I thanked you for being so good to Suzie?"

"Over and over and over again when you don't need to." Meryl told him again. "She's our niece, our goddaughter. She's family. Besides, it's nice to have someone in the house whose energy level is up to par with Hen's."

Don nodded with a laugh. "It sure as hell is."

"I love it." Meryl pressed her forehead to his. "I want to carry your baby."

Don stroked her cheek with his thumbs. "You have twice, and you will again. I don't want you to worry about when it will happen. I just want to enjoy the ride."

"I always enjoy the rides you give me." Meryl winked at him. "And what rides they are."

Don threw his head back and laughed at his wife's raunchy joke until the ringing of the phone interrupted their moment. "And there goes our relaxation."

"Should have known it wouldn't last too long." Meryl said placing one more kiss on his lips before they were both sitting up and she answered the phone. "Hello? Gummers."

Mike Brown spoke on the other end. "Well, there's one of our girls."

"Papa Mike!" Meryl smiled as she looked at Don and reached over to the base of the cordless phone on our bedside table, turning it to speaker phone and moving it to sit on their bed. "I just put you on speaker phone so Don could join in on the conversation."

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