Chapter 28

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She couldn't believe that she passed as a nurse and got into her room. She was glad that she didn't use all of the penicillin in the chocolates, and there was just enough left for her to inject into Meryl's IV line along with the other cocktail of narcotics she concocted. She crept into the hospital room, grabbing the syringe when she felt a strong pair of hands turn her around before she could inject the IV, and she was met with the angry face of her ex-boyfriend, of the one she was doing all this for so they could be together. "What in the HELL are you about to do to MY WIFE?!"

"Don?" Meryl woke up when she heard her husband yelling. "What...Sigourney?"

Don didn't take his eyes off Sigourney as he tried to pull her away from Meryl's IV. "Baby, stay there I've got it." Don said as he was dragging Sigourney to the door but she kept lunging for the IV. Through his haze of anger and fear, he could hear Sigourney yelling at his wife, which only upset him more, and then he heard Meryl screaming for help as he was trying to get the syringe away from Sigourney. "You bitch! You are going to pay for trying to kill my wi..."

"DON!" Meryl screamed as she saw Sigourney jam the syringe into Don's shoulder. Meryl tried to get up but was too weak and couldn't walk so she crawled over to Don, somehow managing to put Don's head in her lap. "What in the hell did you stab him with?" Meryl cried as she saw Dr. Abbott literally run into Sigourney as she tried to make her way out of the room. "Hal that's her, that's the woman that tried to kill me she just injected something into Don. He collapsed immediately and his head is bleeding."

Dr. Abbott couldn't believe what was happening; this was his hospital and this should NOT have happened. He surveyed the woman he immediately grabbed by the arms and noticed she was dressed as a nurse. He just shook his head as he had this sudden and immediate need to beef up safety protocols in the hospital. He kept hold of the woman as he looked at Meryl. "I'm going to go take her to security and have them call the police. Is he breathing, Meryl?"

"Yes." Meryl sobbed as she managed to bend down and kiss his lips. "His pulse seems okay, but I don't know..."

Dr. Abbott nodded. "You stay with him and as soon as I get her to security I will be right back to check him out."

"Wait!" Meryl screamed. "What in the fuck did you inject him with?"

This did not go how Sigourney had planned. She had looked in and Meryl was alone so she thought it was the perfect opportunity to take care of her competition. Don wasn't supposed to be there, and he sure as hell wasn't supposed to be injected. It was an accident. "I didn't mean to hurt Don. I was trying to help him by taking care of you and getting you out of his life. I didn't mean to hurt him."

"Just what did you think would happen when you fucking framed him?!" Meryl was hysterical as she kissed all over Don's face. "I'm here, baby, I'm right here. I love you so much."

Dr. Abbott looked at Sigourney. "What was in the syringe? This wouldn't have happened if you gave him the penicillin you put in the chocolates."

"Mixture of Dilaudid, Fentanyl, and Morphine as well as Benadryl." Sigourney said just above a whisper. "If Meryl's breathing was shallow then that was supposed to push her over the edge."

Dr. Abbott shook his head as he pushed Sigourney out the door and looked back at Meryl. "They are very strong narcotics, but he should be fine. Just make sure he keeps breathing and I will be right back."

"I'm here, baby, I'm not going anywhere." Meryl cradled him to her. "You did it again. You saved my life 3 times in just a few hours. Baby, I know you would do anything in the world for me, just as I would for you, so you don't need to prove it anymore. You caught her, Don Man, you caught her and right now Hal is going to make sure she won't hurt us. He is having her arrested and then once I know for sure that you are okay then I will call Larry. I know he will take care of everything and make sure she doesn't hurt us anymore. I don't want you to worry about anything, love; everything is going to be alright. I am going to make sure of it. You know you aren't the only one who can protect those you love; I am going to protect you and Henry as well. God, please be okay, baby. Please wake up. If you want to go back to sleep, fine, you deserve it after everything you have gone through. Just please open those beautiful blue eyes and give me that smile of yours that reminds me that as long as we have each other then we will be okay."

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