Chapter 51

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Henry and Suzie had a wonderful time trick-or-treating, especially for their first time. Don and Meryl had even taken them for apple cider at a cafe which they were very excited about. Don knew why she did that because she was trying to keep them out of their haul of candy for as long as possible. Once they were warmed back up, they went back out to do some more trick-or-treating. Soon though, the 3-year-old and almost 2-year-old were exhausted and they were headed home. Meryl was carrying both of their pumpkin containers that were filled with candy as well as Henry's nerf baseball bat that he finally relinquished control of, while she looked at her husband holding both kids in each arm as they made their way up to their apartment in their private elevator. "Don Man, I wish you would let me take one of them."

"I'm fine." Don winked at her as they continued their ascent up to their apartment. "Don't you say how much you like my strong arms?"

Meryl stood up on her tiptoes to kiss his lips since she was wearing flats. "I love your strong arms. I just have plans for us tonight and I don't want you to get injured."

"Oh, you do?" Don asked as he cocked an eyebrow at her. "Well then, I will make sure I don't. Just what plans do you have?"

Meryl placed the pumpkin containers filled with candy on top of the counter in the corner before turning back to him. "Well, I didn't get to dress up for Halloween and I thought you might enjoy it if I did that...for you."

"I think I would." Don said playing along wondering just what his wife had planned. "I think it's only fair if I dressed up for you."

Meryl walked closer to him, again leaning up on her tiptoes so she could reach his lips, giving him an alluring kiss. "I would rather if you dress down if you know what I mean."

"I think I do." Don was becoming more and more intrigued as to what his wife had planned by the moment. "How about, I put these kiddos in their pajamas and put them to bed? Maybe bring up a bottle of wine for my wife and me to enjoy? After all, isn't this the adult equivalent of trick-or-treating?"

Meryl started to walk up the stairs before turning to look at him. "I believe it is. And what a treat you are in for."

"GO!" Don groaned as he watched his wife practically run up the stairs, hoping she was headed to their bedroom and preparing whatever treat she had planned for him, while he kissed both Henry and Suzie's heads. "Let's get you two to bed. I hope you two sleep all night. I'll tell you what, if you sleep all night long then I will make you both Belgian waffles with whipped topping and strawberries to make your mothers happy. How does that sound? Do the three of us have a deal?" Don looked down at Henry and Suzie sleeping deeply in his arms as he made his way, carefully, up the stairs to put them both down for the night. "I hope that means yes. Trust me, I will be cranky if you two wake up, and I am sure M will be as well. Remember, sleeping all through the night means waffles with sugar." Don smiled as the kids were still fast asleep. "I do believe this means we have a deal."


Once Don got the kids dressed in their pajamas and tucked into bed, he turned on the monitors in both of their rooms knowing that his wife probably had the other end of the monitors turned on in their room; since Suzie was a guest, and their niece and goddaughter at that, it just made both of them feel better knowing that they could hear her if she needed them or had a bad dream or was scared. Don then went downstairs to get a bottle of wine and two wine glasses, making sure everything was secured downstairs, and then he went back upstairs. Before joining his wife in the bedroom, which was really where he wanted to be, he checked on both Henry and Suzie, hoping that he and Meryl really wouldn't be interrupted. He was happy to see both kids were still sleeping soundly before he made his way to their bedroom. He was disappointed that his wife was nowhere to be seen, but he saw that the bathroom door was closed, so he figured she was getting ready for his surprise. After he uncorked the wine and poured them each a glass, he stripped down to his boxers and threw his dirty clothes in the laundry hamper knowing that would make his wife happy; though he was hoping that he would be given the opportunity to make her much happier. Once he closed the bedroom door in order to prevent any embarrassment of questions from Suzie and Henry if they did wake up, Don then went over to the bathroom door and knocked. "Baby, it's me. The kids are asleep. The wine is poured. The bedroom door is closed."

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