Chapter 71

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"Daddy!" Henry said excitedly. "Pway baw."

Don got into Henry's bed next to him, trying to hold him down without letting Henry know that's what he was doing. He and Meryl both knew that trying to keep their very active 2-year old son to not more would be next to impossible. "Mommy and I are right here, Bubs, but you need to lay still for us."

"You have met our son, haven't you?" Meryl asked her husband sarcastically. "When have you ever known him to lay still."

Don winked at Meryl. "Good point."

"I pway baw. I cowor. I hatch toons." Henry was talking a mile a minute. "Apo ooze. I wursfthy. You hnwy, Mommy?"

Meryl threw her head back and laughed, not only at their son talking so much but also at the fact that he couldn't seem to stay on one topic for very long. "Is he drunk?"

"I think it's more like high." Don teased Meryl referring to the drugs Henry was on that were obviously affecting him. "He's like you, though. Talking nonstop when you're drunk, or on narcotics."

Meryl leaned over their son to kiss her husband's lips. "That isn't the only way alcohol and narcotics affect me."

"I really like that other way." Don winked at her referring to how horny she was. "Don't ever forget it."

As his parents were beginning to kiss again Henry sat up, pushing his parents away. "OW! HOOT! HOOT!"

"It's okay, Bubs." Don carefully pushed Henry down as Meryl ran her fingers through his hair. "Just lay still with Mommy and I will go get the nurse."

Meryl felt awful for how she treated Don earlier when he was trying to help care for Henry. "Hun, you stay with him and I'll get the nurse."

"You're his mama, you have the magic touch." Don winked at Meryl, knowing that she was feeling bad about what happened earlier, and he wanted to show her he wasn't upset. "I'm going to be right here with you two, just going to use the intercom."

Henry turned sad and hurting eyes to his father. "Hoot, Daddy."

"I know, Hen." Don said kissing his son's head before he went to call the nurse. Nothing broke him like his wife and son hurting and him not able to do anything to make it better, all he ever wanted to do was fix whatever was wrong with his family. "Daddy is going to get help. You just stay with Mommy."


"Baby, I know it hurts." Meryl was trying to keep Henry from moving too much. "You need to lay still. The more still you are then the less it should hurt."

Don had been pacing by the door waiting for the nurse, until he heard Henry start gagging and he ran over to Henry with the puke bag, rubbing his back. "It's okay, Bubs. Mommy and Daddy are right here."

"Dry heaving has to hurt him, Don." Meryl said with tears in her eyes. "You know how much you use your stomach muscles with you throw up."

Don was done waiting for the nurse, he had been calling and calling over and over. Once Henry was done throwing up, Don tied off the bag they had been given in case Henry got sick and kissed Henry's head while he looked at his wife. "Will you be okay here with him?"

"Of course." Meryl said as she climbed into the bed and held their son. "Where are you going?"

Don gave her a face like thunder before he went to throw the bag away and wash his hands. "I am going to find someone who will help our son."

"Uh oh." Meryl whispered into Henry's ear, knowing her husband was in protective father mode. "God help the nurse who stands in your daddy's way."

Henry tried to talk to his mother, but he was so tired. "Hoot, Mama."

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