Chapter 46

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A few days later Don and Meryl had just fallen asleep when they heard the apartment phone ring. Don groaned as he started to reach over Meryl. "I got it, baby."

"I've got it, Don Man." Meryl said sleepily as she reached for the phone. "Hello?"

A nervous Larry was running around getting things together while also checking on his wife and daughter. "Meryl, it's Larry. I'm sorry to call in the middle of the night, but..."

"Larry, is it time?" Meryl asked as she sat up quickly. "Wait, isn't it too early?"

This caused Don to sit up in bed as well as he turned to his wife who nodded. "Lizzie is in labor?"

"Yeah, it's time." Larry said. "I'm getting our stuff and Suzie's together. Lizzie is in labor. We are just praying everything is okay since we're 4 weeks early. Are you sure you don't mind watching Suzie? Mom and Dad can't come because they are still recovering and I have no idea how long..."

Don motioned to Meryl that he was getting dressed and he would go get Suzie. "Of course we want to keep our goddaughter, for however long you all need. We want to do this. You don't worry about her, you just take care of Lizzie and the baby. Filming is on hiatus for right now so I'll be home with her and Hen. Don't you worry about ANYTHING."

"Thanks, M, so much." Larry said already feeling better. "Let me get my girls loaded in the car and then we will drop Suze off."

Meryl shook her head as she got out of bed. "Don is dressed and on his way. He will be there as soon as possible. Give my love to Lizzie, bye."

"Okay, I'll be back soon." Don said slipping into his tennis shoes and then looking at his wife as she put on her robe. "You and Hen will be okay here?"

Meryl nodded with a smile as she tenderly kissed his lips. "We will be perfectly safe. I'll turn on the alarm."

"And I'll turn off access to the elevator on our floor." Don kissed her lips. "Do you need me to do anything before I go?"

Meryl loved that he was always so worried about her and Henry but he really needed to go get Suzie. "Just go get our goddaughter so Lizzie doesn't have that baby in their apartment. I'm going to get her room ready."

"Okay, I'll be back soon." Don said kissing her lips. "Love you."

Meryl told him she loved him back and as soon as the elevators closed she let everything sink in. Their dear friends were having a baby, and that baby was 4 weeks early. Meryl couldn't help but think about herself when she went into early labor with William. She knew the fear Liz and Larry were feeling. She also thought about how if things had turned out differently, then William would have been almost a month old; and the tears threatened to stream down her face. She didn't let herself dwell on that, she needed to get things ready for their Suzie girl and she gave herself a pep talk. "Okay, time to get Suzie girl's room ready."


"Thanks for getting here so quickly." Larry said as Don walked into the apartment. "You are the best."

Liz was leaned over their couch, breathing through the contractions, as she smiled at Don and he kissed her cheek. "The best friend and godfather there is. Meryl, too. You sure this isn't too much for you two-"

"Suzie is our girl as well." Don winked as Larry handed him Suzie's bag. "We want to do this. As a father, I know this won't happen, but don't worry about her, she will be just fine. We want to keep her for as long as you need. We consider it an honor."

Liz smiled softly, well, as much as she could while having contractions. "That means so much to us. Suzie's birthday is..."

"Not for a couple of days." Larry pointed out and looked at Don. "In case we're not out of the hospital her Halloween costume is in our closet. You still have a key?"

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