Chapter 42

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Even if Don hadn't said his mother's name, Meryl would have known who he was talking to because of the look on his face and his body language. They had such an amazing night celebrating their anniversary and time with Henry that day, that she absolutely hated the thought of it being ruined by his mother. She also wondered how Jane got their number as Don was emphatic that his family not know where they were moving to or their new phone number. Meryl quickly got up and went over to her husband, rubbing his neck. "Baby, hang up. Don't let her ruin our day."

"I won't let her do that." Don covered the mouthpiece as he kissed her lips. "Baby, if you want to work on unpacking the bathroom you can do that; or maybe check on Hen or go lay down in our room."

Meryl gave him a look. "No way in hell, I am staying right here with you, always."

"I love you." Don said with a kiss to her lips as she went to the base and turned on the speaker phone option. "Meryl is right here with me, mother."

Jane rolled her eyes. "Of course she is. I assume I'm on speaker phone."

"I'm not going to let my husband be hurt, and let him go through this by himself." Meryl said strongly. "You should know that by now, Jane."

Before his mother could put Meryl down, Don quickly jumped in. "Don't you dare think about saying how my wife always hurts me which is the new bandwagon you seem to have jumped on. She saves my life every single day, and I will not allow you or anyone else hurt her or our son anymore. I am so fucking tired of it. So, why did you call?"

"You moved." Jane said matter of factly. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I am the one that didn't want to tell you; though Meryl often tried to talk me into telling you." Don winked at his wife. "I am desperate to keep my family safe."

Jane laughed curtly. "From me?"

"Of course from you; there is a restraining order out against you in the protection of my family. Or do you not remember that?" Don asked. "You and James and the rest have come after us too much. So, how did you get this number?"

Jane knew she needed to come out with it. "I was at Liz's mother's house for Bridge, though she acted like she didn't want me there." Jane explained not knowing that Don and Meryl were exchanging smiles. "I snuck into her office and found her address book."

"I see." Don said tightly. He, of course, wasn't upset with his best friend's mother-in-law. He was upset with his mother. "I assume there was a reason for you to call; so spit it out. Why are you disrupting my day with my family?"

Meryl absolutely hated how just the mention of Don's family upset him so much; not to mention how a call from his mother worked him up. He kept saying how she was still healing, but he was as well, and she wasn't going to let anyone hurt him; just as he wouldn't let anyone hurt her. "Baby, it's okay. We're fine."

"Why are you calling, mother?" Don asked again. "I swear, if it is about James..."

Jane quickly jumped in; knowing she needed to try to salvage this. "I was calling to wish you AND Meryl a happy anniversary. However, when I called it said your phone was disconnected. Then I went to play Bridge and that is how I got the number."

"Thank you, Jane." Meryl knew she would put up with ANYTHING for Don, even Jane, though he told her time and again he didn't want her or Henry to put up with his family for him. It wasn't worth it, their happiness and safety weren't worth it. "We really appreciate that."

Don shook his head at Meryl. "You got the day wrong."

"No, I didn't." Jane said defensively. "It's October 2nd."

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