Chapter 48

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Don and Meryl were still sleeping, soundly finally, with Suzie between them when Don heard an excited voice at the foot of their bed. "Soo! Soo! Soo!"

"Hey, buddy." Don laughed as he sat up and he saw Meryl and Suzie begin to stir awake. He lifted his arms out and reached down to pick up Henry. "Suzie is staying with us for a little while, but let's let her and mommy sleep for a little while. They are both very tired."

Meryl was making herself wake up as she sat up. "Mommy's awake, but let's let Suzie sleep a little while longer Hen."

"I'm glad she's still asleep." Don said as he handed Henry over to Meryl so she could snuggle on Henry. "I'm sure she's tired."

Henry looked down at his friend then at his parents with a confused look on his little face. "Why her hew?"

"Tell him?" Don asked as Meryl nodded. "Aunt Liz had her baby last night, his name is Samuel. So, Suzie is going to stay with us for a little while so Uncle Larry can be with Aunt Liz and the baby."

Don and Meryl smiled at each other as Henry tapped his pointer finger to his upper lip, which was always a sign that he was thinking about something. "Our baby?"

"Don." Meryl choked as she looked at Don. "He doesn't remember we told him about William. I mean, I don't expect him to, he's not even two years old yet."

Don sighed as he leaned over to tenderly kiss Meryl's lips and then to take Henry and set him on his lap. "Bubs, do you remember how we told you that our baby, William, is in heaven? He's your angel brother who is watching over you."

"Wight, Daddy." Henry nodded as he remembered. "Wamuel anjel baby?"

Meryl shook her head quickly and answered Henry; the last thing she wanted was for him to say that to Larry, Liz or Suzie. "No baby, Samuel isn't going to heaven. Once he gets a little bigger then he will go home with Aunt Liz, Uncle Larry, and Suzie. But until then Suzie will stay at our apartment."

"Just until Aunt Liz and Uncle Larry can't take baby Samuel home." Don said quickly as he didn't want Henry to think that Suzie would be staying with them forever. "But we will have lots of fun until then."

Meryl nodded as she smoothed Henry's hair back and kissed his cheek. "Mommy is off work for a little while."

"And Daddy isn't going to work while Suzie is here." Don gave Meryl a look not to argue with him as that was what he wanted; he was rewarded with a small smile from his wife. "So, that means we get lots of stay at home days."

Henry started clapping he was so excited. "Pawk! Pawk!"

"We'll see about that, Gippy." Meryl laughed at her son. "It is almost November which means it is starting to get cold out, so we will see."

Don saw that Suzie was starting to wake up. "There's our Suzie girl."

"Hewy!" Suzie almost yelled when she saw her good friend. "Pway!"

Henry jumped off the bed and held his hand out to Suzie. "Wez ho!"

"They're pretty cute." Meryl laughed as she got out of bed and saw Henry and Suzie run into his room to play. "I love seeing them together."

Don took her hand in his and led them to Henry's room where they stood in the doorway to watch the two of them play, and he pulled his wife to his body as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "You doing okay, baby? With Henry bringing up William?"

"I'm glad he still talks about William even though I know he doesn't really remember." Meryl said as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "It makes me feel like he is still with us."

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