Chapter 77

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It was the next afternoon, Sunday, and Don and Meryl had a wonderful day so far with Henry. They were all a little tired from Don's big birthday the day before so they had a relaxing morning playing with Henry and watching TV. By mid-morning they decided to make sure everything was cleaned up, they got themselves and Henry ready for the day and then had lunch together. After lunch, Meryl was upstairs putting Henry down for his nap while Don was cleaning up the dishes when the apartment phone rang. "Hello?"

"Don, good!" Jane Gummer said on the other end of the phone. "I'm glad I finally got ahold of you."

"You've called once, mother, on the night of my birthday." Don said frustratedly. "Of course I was out. What? Do you think my wife would totally forget my birthday the way you always have? I find it interesting that you are all of a sudden interested in me and my birthday now that I am married and happy. What? Are you mad that Meryl is throwing me parties?"

Jane shook her head, even though Don couldn't see it. "I'm mad that we weren't invited. I had to hear it form my grandson who didn't even know who I was, by the way."

"No, you don't blame that on us." Don was pacing furiously through the kitchen. "You have hurt me and my family over and over again. Of course, Meryl did what she knew I wanted. Why would I want you here when all you do is treat my wife and our family with disrespect, which includes Mary. You had no right to go off on her the way you did. She, Harry, Mike, and Maggie are always here for us. I wouldn't have had birthdays growing up if it weren't for the Browns. So don't pretend to care now."

Now Jane was getting upset. "I'm sure Mary and Meryl couldn't wait to tell you about my phone conversation. Of course, Meryl would have to ruin your birthday in that way."

"Meryl was doing everything in her POWER to make sure I had a perfect day; and it was, despite the fact that you tried to ruin it." Don pointed out. "Mary didn't want to tell Meryl, and Meryl didn't want to tell me, but they knew I would be upset to find out this happened and I didn't know. I told you at Thanksgiving, mother, we need space and not to call. Yet, you called. And don't say it was because it was my birthday when you have NEVER made a big deal out of it until I married Meryl and she has made sure every birthday, every holiday, is special for me and Henry."

Jane shook her head as she looked out the bay window, watching it snow on the pond. "Your birthday is right before Christmas, it's not convenient."

"Well, I'm sorry my birth was such an inconvenience, MOTHER. Besides, my birthday is 2 whole weeks before Christmas." Don growled. "It's funny though, my birth date hasn't moved and yet Meryl always manages to make it special; the Browns have always made it special. Henry's birthday is usually a week or two before Thanksgiving, and yet Meryl and I always make it special. Don't use that for an excuse. Is that why you were calling?"

Jane shook her head. "No, I was hoping you and Henry would come out for Christmas."

"Hell no, not after how you have treated us." Don said sharply. "I don't know exactly what we are doing this year, but we will be on the east coast because I am not letting my family anywhere near the midwest. I noticed only Henry and I were invited. If my wife is not welcome, then that is somewhere I never want to be. Why, mother? Why is it so hard for you to accept Meryl? Why are you such a bitch to her?"

Jane gasped, if he wanted to play dirty then she would as well. "Because she doesn't matter. Soon, she will realize that you don't really love her, that you are using her to fill some whole you have created by pretending you haven't had the family you deserve. You're a Gummer, you will end up hurting her just as you have me, just as you have Peggy."


Meryl was walking down the stairs when she heard her husband yelling on the phone, which was extremely unlike him. She had a feeling she knew who he was yelling at, the one person who always made him lose his calm demeanor on the phone-his mother. Meryl had walked into the kitchen as she saw Don slam the phone down on the receiver. She immediately went over to him. "Don? Baby?"

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