Chapter 58

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Tears appeared in Meryl's eyes as she walked into her husband's hospital room and was relieved at how much better he was breathing and his color was; grateful that he was sleeping so peacefully. She noticed they had him hooked up to an IV and had him hooked up to oxygen but she was relieved that he was; since he was moved into a regular room she figured he would be staying at least for 24 hours. She didn't care; she just wanted him to be okay. She was sure that Henry could go home with her parents to Jersey for the night. Knowing her son would be well taken care of let Meryl focus on her husband. She pulled the chair up next to his bed, taking his hand in hers and kissing it, she let the tears flow as she talked to him; she just wanted him to know she was there. "Hey baby, I'm right here, my love. You are looking so much better; thank God. You scared me to death; I don't know what Henry and I would do if we ever lost you. I hope I say it enough, but in case I don't, I need you to know that you and Henry are EVERYTHING to me. I am so sorry this happened, baby; I know it's my fault. I never should have put you in the middle; I was so focused on making your mother like me that I didn't even stop to consider what the stress was doing to you. I know you knew I wasn't telling you everything she said and did to me, I was just trying so hard to make things perfect for you and Hen and to protect you. I can see now that I did just the opposite. I should have known how badly it was tearing you up when every day you wanted her out of the loft. I then exploded making you kick your own mother out, and I know you did that because of how much you love me but I just should have sucked it up and let it roll off my back other than putting you in the middle. If I had you wouldn't be in here." Meryl was now crying hard as she held Don's hand tightly in hers. "I should have just left the apartment and Henry with you and your mom for a few days like I was thinking I should; so you all could have time together and I wouldn't be in the way and cause you to be in the hospital."

"Let's get something straight right now." Don said as he woke up when he heard his wife saying how she should have left their apartment when his mom was there. "You should NOT have left OUR home; she never should have come in the first place. This is NOT your fault, Darl; NOT. AT. ALL. If anyone is to blame, it's her; and you did NOT put me in the middle. You NEVER would. This is HER fault. I should have fucking known better!"

Meryl cried harder hearing her husband saying this and was caught off guard when he reached over and pulled her head to his so he could kiss her long and hard and deep; causing her to moan as the kiss broke. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up."

"I was just waiting for my girl." Don scooted over and patted the bed. "Come get in here with me."

Meryl was hesitant. "I don't want to hurt you."

"You never would." Don said as he pulled her into bed and turned to face her. "We need to talk, baby. Were you really going to leave Henry with me and my mom?"

Meryl hated that during her vulnerability she let that slip to him. "I just felt like me being there was causing you more stress because you were trying to keep me happy by not saying anything, and I didn't want to upset you by letting on how badly she was getting to me. I was trying so hard not to let you know what she was saying to me when you weren't around. I thought if I went out to Millerton or something then everyone would have been happier."

"Would you have been happier?" Don choked as she shook her head as the tears streamed down her face. "I sure as hell would NOT have been happier. You were NOT in the way; you are NEVER in the way with me. SHE was in the way. You, me and Henry are a family; an amazing family. We are a unit; I never want to be the reason why you think you should leave. NEVER. You belong with me and Henry; we belong with you."

Meryl gently kissed all over his face. "You didn't make me think that, baby. I just couldn't bring myself to do it."

"Thank God." Don sighed. "I NEVER should have let her stay, it was way too soon. Not after the trials and how she fucking tried to keep us from you as your world was falling apart. Not after the fucking phone calls and her last fucking surprise appearance. When I think of the things I heard her say when I was in my coma...."

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