Chapter 32

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Don looked back at Larry as he pushed him in the wheelchair and out of the elevator. "Larry, I really think I can walk. I think this wheelchair is stupid."

"And risk you falling and getting hurt?" Larry asked his best friend. "I'm not going to take that chance."

Don coked his head back to look at his best friend. "You're just scared of my wife, aren't you?"

"Damn straight." Larry said making Don laugh. "If anything were to happen to you under my care I sure as hell don't want to have to face her wrath."

Don nodded with a knowing smile. "That's my girl."

"Look, we're a bit early." Larry said looking at his watch. "I would like to go in and look over my notes since I'm the lead prosecutor and I don't want to miss anything in this case. Do you mind going in with me or do you want me to take you to my office?"

Don shook his head. "I don't want to miss a thing either, so I would like to go in now."

"Okay." Larry nodded as he pushed Don into the courtroom but stopped abruptly when he saw who was sitting at the defendant's table. "Don..."

Don shook his head. "Take me to her."

"Don, I don't think that's a good idea." Larry pointed out. "After all, you haven't even been out of jail for 24 hours."

Don moved his body so he could look at Larry. "She almost killed my wife three times-her heart stopped twice, and then she came back to do the job. Everything happened so quickly and then I was knocked out when I saw her in M's room yesterday. I want my shot. I need my shot, Larry. Not only did she try to kill my wife but she made it look like it was my fault and I was fucking arrested."

"Yeah, you deserve your time with her." Larry sighed. "Don't touch her, and I'll be on the look-out."

Don nodded as Larry pushed him over to Sigourney as she looked up. "Oh, Don, you came to support me. You know this is all some big misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding? Are you fucking kidding me?" Don boomed. "You poisoned my wife and made it look like it was MY fault, causing me to be arrested and torn from my wife when she needed me the most. When I needed her the most. I had to hide the fact from our toddler that his mother wasn't breathing because of YOU!"

Sigourney shook her head. "Don, I just wasn't thinking..."

"Oh it's much more than that; you are psychotic. You have been following me, my wife and our family around for years. That shakes me to my core. Then you tried to stop my wife's heart AGAIN with that damn cocktail." Don was letting it all out. "My god, you and I only dated a couple of months. I never loved you. It's not like we had this great love story. Meryl and I do; you and I never did, and we sure as hell never will."

Sigourney shrugged. "You asked Meryl to marry you after 2 months."

"It's sickening how much you know about my relationship with my wife considering how private we both are." Don was realizing how much of a target his wife had been and he didn't even know it. "Get one thing straight...nothing you EVER do will make me turn to you. My wife is the best damn thing that has EVER and will EVER happen to me. I haven't even given you a thought since Yale. All I need in life is my wife, our son and the family we are creating together. I can't even think about if you had succeeded in your little plot; but if you had, I would NEVER turn to you or anyone else. You stalked us and bullied my wife that day at the market. You have been fucking following us around. Thank God you never got to her. Stay the fuck away from my wife and our son and our family. I swear to God if you EVER come within 500 feet of us again, you will NEVER see the light of day. Fuck with me all you want but don't you dare fuck with my wife. I am going to make sure you pay for what you've done. My wife has NEVER done anything to you."

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