Chapter 33

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"Baby, you can tell me anything." Don said seriously. "I hope you know that."

Meryl smiled sweetly at him as she pressed her forehead against his then ran her hands over his body to make sure he was alright. "Of course I know that Don Man. I don't feel as safe around anyone else as I do with you. How did everything go? Are you alright?"

"We'll talk about that later. I am far too worried about you at the moment." Don said and saw the confused look on her face. "Baby, when we got to the room I freaked when I saw Hal walking out and saying I should talk to you because when I asked him why he was here he said you had some questions about your health. Then Larry pushes me in here and I see you holding Henry, though he's asleep, and you were wiping tears from your eyes. Your parents were pretty quick to leave us alone and take Larry with them. So come on, Darl, tell me. I am about to freak out here..."

Meryl cupped the back of his head with one hand, pulling his head to her while she continued to hold Henry close to her chest so she could place a long kiss on his lips. "Hal said there is no reason we can't conceive many more times; and that I can't carry healthy babies to term."

"Baby, we knew all that." Don said as he tucked her hair behind her ear, not quite following where all of this was coming. "Is there a new reason why you thought we couldn't?"

Meryl just shrugged. "I've been thinking about it since yesterday. I was afraid that maybe the drugs could have damaged me somehow. I don't know. It's just with losing William and everything....well it's been playing on my mind and if I couldn't have more babies then what would that mean..."

"It would mean we would find other ways to have children." Don assured her. "As long as I have you and our children, in whatever ways they might come, I am the happiest man in the world."

Meryl gave her husband a tearful smile knowing that was how he really felt. "I know you feel that way, I do as well. It's just carrying your babies is really important to me. And maybe that's what she really wanted? You know, as she said at the market last week, to make it where I can't carry your babies."

"I don't care what the fuck she wanted; she didn't win." Don said as he cupped her face in his hands. "NOTHING and NOBODY will ever come between us. You are it for me, baby."

Meryl smiled at him as she couldn't resist his lips yet again. "You're it for me, too."

"I'm not asking because of the whole having babies thing; I'm going to ask because you are so damn important to me." Don began before he asked his question, wanting to make sure she knew where he was coming from. "You're healthy? You're okay?"

Meryl saw the fear in his eyes and hated that he was so upset. "Yes, baby, I am. I mean I am getting there; nothing knew from our examinations earlier today. None of my organs or parts were damaged."

"Oh, thank God." Don breathed as he let his head drop and then looked up at her. "Baby, why didn't you tell me how worried you were?"

Meryl shook her head. "I don't know. I mean it's entered my mind since yesterday but we've had so many other things going on. Then we were sitting in here. I was holding Henry as he slept and he looked so much like you that it brought such a smile to my face. Then Mom and Dad were quietly reading. We hadn't heard from you. My mind went into overdrive. Then when Hal came in to see if you were back yet I thought it would be the perfect opportunity. I didn't want to worry you."

"I'm always going to worry." Don smirked at her. "Especially when it comes to the love of my wife and our children."

Meryl nodded knowingly. "I get that, believe me. I was about ready to jump out of my skin waiting for you. Are you alright? You look absolutely done in sweetheart."

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