Chapter 26.

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It was Monday and we had gym.

"Outside everyone, we're going to be playing capture the flag" coach said and we went outside.

"So two teams with one flag, they must protect their flag. Basically tag, you are on one side and you have to go to get the opposing team's flag. If you get tag, you get put in jail and someone else has to go tag them out" she explained. 

She separated teams and Luke was on the other team. My friends were with me and so was Julian and Adam and the skanks on Luke's team. 

"Let's make a plan" I said. 

"We basically need fast people run to get the flag. I think four people are enough" Adam said.

"I think me, Adam, Dani, and Brook can do it" Julian said.

"So Bethany, Beverly, and Becca can guard the flag, basically don't let anyone near this flag" I told the girls and they nodded. 

"The rest don't let anyone get to Bethany, Beverly and Becca" Julian said. 

Coach blew the whistle and we got to the position.

"Let's do two go first, me and Adam but wait for the other team to send their people" Julian said and we nodded.

"Y'all make the first move" Adam said to the other team.

"You guys go first" Luke said.

"Same time" Julian said.

And then they went.

But Julian got tagged. 

"Come back!" I yelled to Adam and he ran back, two people chasing him.

"Someone needs to go tag him out" he said.

"I'll go" I said and then him, Dani, and I went running.

Luke began to chase me but I ran faster and tagged Julian.

He picked me up and I looked at Luke. 

I faked smiled at him and he rolled his eyes. 

"Okay now everyone needs to go to the opposing sides except for two people" coach said.

Luke was on my side.

"Try to get me" he said and I got mad.

I pushed him down but he grabbed my arm and pulled me down and I screamed.

"What's your problem?" I said, mad. 

"We're both in jail" he said.

"I tagged you first" I said and left.

I saw an open way to the opposing  flag.

I ran to it and got the flag. I had to run back.

Juliette saw me and I ran as fast I could.

Coach blew the whistle, we had won. 


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Luke's P.O.V. 

I walk back to my locker and I see Julian leaning over Brooklyn's locker, her laughing.

My blood boils up, I despise seeing them together. 

She's just throwing a fit because of April.

I have to do something to fix this. 

I need her to look at me, even to just roll her eyes at me. I need her to talk to me even just to argue. I need her with me. 

I go outside to their usual picnic table and walk over to her friends.

Of course, Becca glares at me so hard if it could, it would kill me. 

"Hi. Can I sit?" I ask.

"No" she says.

"Yes, you can. Becca behave" Bethany says and I sit.

"I need help with Brooklyn" I say.

"Why? She already told us what happened and honestly didn't expect it from you to go so low with easy" Becca said.

"Look, I didn't even talk to April that night. I was with Brooklyn the whole night. April lied about that. Why do y'all even call her that?" I say.

"Because she's easy. She has slept with almost all the boys in the entire school. With just one snap" Becca said.

"And what she did to you, is what she does" Bethany said. 

"She gets attached and then literally begs and lies about them" Beverly said.

"How were you so clueless" Becca laughs at me.

I'm pissed, not only because this is what I least expected from April but because Becca is literally throwing it in my face. I feel so dumb.

"I'll be back" I say and go inside to look for April. 

She's in the lab, making out with this guy.

I go in and yank her arm towards me. 

"Luke! What's your problem?" she says.

I pull her into the hallway, and of course the guy doesn't follow or do anything because he doesn't care about her. 

"Luke can you let go?" she says and I stop walking.

"You are insane" I start.

"Luke, why are you mad? Are you jealous?" she asks.

She is really psychotic. 

"No! I'm pissed off. You lied about me and you to Brooklyn. And I'm mad because I know what they call you and why. April, those guys don't care about you. Respect yourself by not letting people walk all over you. Respect your body and dignity" I said and she looks down.

"Now come with me" I pull her arm. 

"Where are we going?" she asks but I ignore her. 

I walk to Brooklyn's locker. Thank God, she's alone.

She sees me with April and scrunches her eyebrows together.

She begins to walk away, I let go of April and run to her.

"No, no. Stay, hear this" I grab her hand.

She looks down at our hands. 

"Tell her" I say to April.

"You really fell for it" April laughs. 

Brooklyn glares at her.

"April" I said.

"Luke didn't even talk to me that night" she says and leaves.

"Why did you do that?" Brooklyn half yells. 

"Do what?" I ask.

"Told her that I believed her? Now she's going to be laughing at me because Brooklyn Montgomery really thought Luke West stood her up and was hurt by it" she says.

"That's what you care about?" I say.

She then walks away.

I go outside again to Brooklyn's friends. 

"I need your help" I say.

Brooklyn's P.O.V.

I rush to the bathroom. I cant believe what just happened. Of course that's not what I care about. I don't want people to see me hurt, weak. I rather be known as selfish, ambitious than a dumb girl who was lied to.   

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