Chapter 40.

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Saturday came, it was Becca's and Beverly's birthday.

Me and Bethany quietly got up to go downstairs.

We went to get two cupcakes and some confetti.

We went upstairs and we began to sing happy birthday.

Both Becca and Beverly got up and smiled.

"Happy birthday!" we yelled and gave them their cupcakes.

We gave them a big hug.

"Thank you" they said as they ate their cupcakes.

"Okay, so present time, I'll go first" Bethany said.

She handed them two envelopes.

"It is actually a gift for all of us but happy birthday" she smiled.

It was a card for a spa day.

"Thank you" they both hugged her.

I handed Becca a present first.

They were Channel high heels.

"These are so cute omg" she said and hugged me.

Then I gave Beverly's her.

It was an MK bag.

She loved MK.

She squealed and hugged me.

Becca then gave Beverly an MK perfume.

Beverly gave Becca a set of jewelry, a necklace, bracelet, ring, and earrings.

They hugged each other.

"So we made plans, we'll go get breakfast, spa, get our nails done and get ready to go to a night club" I said.

"A night club?" Becca smiled and we nodded.

"Let's get ready to get breakfast, we can get glam later for the night club" Bethany said and we nodded.

Angel, Blake, and Wesley joined us for breakfast.

The spa was so relaxing, I think we all needed it.

Senioritis is starting to hit in.

We went to get our nails done.

I got a french fade.

After that, both Becca and Beverly went to their homes to spend time with their family.

Me and Bethany went to the night club to check on how things were going.

We were surprised, everything was going with the theme.

There were flowers, different colors, peace signs, etc.

When that was done we went to Beverly's house to get ready.

We started to do our makeup.

We had chosen their outfits.

"We already have your outfits" we handed them boxes.

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