Chapter 67.

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Me and the girls were getting home from the mall

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Me and the girls were getting home from the mall.

When I opened the door I saw my aunt Blair and Lilo.

I ran up to them.

"Omg hey, I haven't seen you guys in forever" I said as they hugged me back.

They had gone to London because my aunt Blair was constructing one of her buildings there.

The girls said hi to them.

And then my dad came.

"Uriel?" my aunt said.

"Blair" he said and they hugged.

My mom rolled her eyes.

"It's been a really long time" my aunt Blair said.

"I know" my dad said.

William came downstairs.

"Blair, this is my son William"

"Hi nice to meet you, I'm Blair, Bianca's sister and this is my daughter, Liliana" she said.

"Will" he smiled to them.

"Well we have to get going to settle back in" my aunt Blair said.

"Noo" Lilo said.

"Omg can she stay over?" I asked.

"Yes, we would love that" Bethany said.

"We want to hear about them British boys" Becca said in a British accent.

My aunt Blair laughed.

"Fine" she said and we cheered.

"Well, Bianca do you want to go with me?" my aunt Blair asked.

"Sure" she said and they left with my dad.

"Um William you can leave now" I said, fake smiling as we sat on the couch.

"No, I think I'm going to stay" he said and sat between Beverly and Becca and put his arm over their shoulder.

"They have boyfriends" I said, rolling my eyes.

And they laughed as he got up.

"Do you have one?" he asked Bethany and she nodded.

"Little Lili doesn't" Becca said.

"Do you mind if I sit beside you?" he asked Lilo.

She shook her head no.

"I mind so leave" I said to him.

"You don't tell me what to do" he said and I got so mad.

We just started arguing.

"Leave" I said and was about to say more but he cut me off.

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