Chapter 49.

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Next day

"Is Peter not coming anymore?" Beverly asked Becca

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"Is Peter not coming anymore?" Beverly asked Becca.

"Don't know" she said, serious.

We gave each other confused faces.

I went to my locker after class.

I then saw a shadow.

"Hey" I heard and recognized his voice.

"Can I help you?" I said.

He then closed my locker so I could face him.

"Do you want to get lunch together?" Luke asked.

"Am I interrupting something?" we heard and turned to see Kendall.

She then grabbed his hand.

"Yeah, you actually are interrupting a conversation. Don't you have manners?" I faked smiled and she rolled her eyes.

I gave Luke a kiss on the cheek to just aggravate her.

I smirked and left.

After school, we went to go change and then went to the gym.

We ran our laps.

"Okay girls, you're going to get a ball each and by yourself pass the ball between you and the wall. I want you to serve and then pass it up in the air" coach said and we did so.

I looked at Becca and she was aggressively hitting the ball.

"I don't think she's okay" I whispered to the girls.

"Alright let's try blocking the ball. Half of you come to this side of the net and the rest to the other side. This side you'll pass the ball up in the air to the other side and this side you'll jump as high as you can and block that ball. You don't want it to get near this side" coach said.

I was on the blocking side.

It was my turn and Juliette was passing the ball.

She hit the ball and I jumped to block it and accidentally it hit her face.

"Omg, are you okay?" I asked but everyone started laughing.

"You did that on purpose right?" she said and she pushed me.

"I just asked you if you were fine. Suck it up" I pushed her back.

"Nope, none of that here. You guys are on the same team. This game requires a lot of communication, teamwork. I don't want a team where y'all talk behind each other's back. Hug it out" coach said.

And we both scoffed.

"Yeah as if" I said.

"I don't touch trash" Juliette said and I gasped.

"You did not" I said and I pushed her.

"I mean it" coach said.

We both faked smiled at each other.

We then hugged.

"This isn't over" she whispered in my ear.

"Can't believe I was actually acting nice to a whole ass bitch" I whispered back.

She squeezed me hard.

I then squeezed her harder.

And we were legit squeezing each other till we tripped.

"I think I have my starters. I want Beverly as a setter, Bethany and Becca backline hitters, Juliette in the middle, Brooklyn and Diana as front line spikers, hitters" coach said.

"That'll be my starters and then I'll switch teams" and she started calling other people's names.

After practice, we walked outside.

"Becca, may we ask what's wrong?" I asked.

She kept walking.

She saw her car and started walking towards it.

We quickly went and stood in front of it, blocking her way.

She burst into tears.

"I'm late" she said.


"I'm late for my period and worst thing is that I told Peter that and I haven't heard from him" she cried.

"That little piece of shit" I said.

"I don't know what do" she cried and Bethany hugged her.

"The first thing is we need to make sure you're not pregnant. And if you are, we'll look for Peter. I don't care if it's under rocks, he'll have to take responsibility" Beverly said.

"This just showed me that he really doesn't love me" she cried.

"He's a coward alright, who is not worthy of your love if he doesn't have the balls to take responsibility for his actions" I said.

We went to the pharmacy and looked for a pregnancy test.

When we got it, we went to my house.

My mom wasn't there.

Becca took the test and we waited.

The timer went off and we were nervous to look at it.

"I can't do it" Becca said.

"I'll look at it" Bethany said.

She took a deep breath and got it.

"You're not, it came out negative" Bethany smiled and we sighed in relief as we hugged each other.

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