Chapter 79.

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Today was the 4th anniversary of our friendship.

Me and my friends were going to meet up at Starbucks and then go eat.

I arrived and none of them were there.

I waited for like half an hour.

Becca: Hey sorry to cancel last minute, I have a blog that I have to finish tonight

Beverly: Sorry I have to cancel also. I have dinner plans with my family

Bethany: Can we reschedule? I have a meeting with my advisor, a really big project

I texted back.

Oh thank God, I couldn't go either. We can reschedule

I took a deep breath and left.

And after on, whenever we made plans, either one couldn't go and had stuff to do or arrived late.


When I got home, I saw William with a girl

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When I got home, I saw William with a girl.

I intentionally shut the door hard.

"Hey Brooklyn, this is Lucy. My girlfriend" he said.

I faked smiled.

"I'm Brooklyn" I said.

"So nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about" she said.

"Thanks" I said and went to my room.

I huffed as I slammed my door.

I tried to call my mom but no answer and the same with my dad.

I then called my moms secretary.

"Hi Victoria this is Brooklyn"

"Hey, how can I help you?"

"Have you heard of my mom?"

"She called in two days ago, her business trip was going to be extended"

"Is her phone working?" and she said yeah.

"Well next time she calls you, can you tell her that if she still knows that she has a daughter who is worried about her to call me" I said.

"Sure thing"

"Thank you" I said and hanged up.

Later on, Bethany arrived.

"Hi, where are the other girls?" she asked, as she gave me a hug.

"No idea" I said.

Then Becca arrived.

"Sorry I'm late I had an interview with the head of W magazine" Becca said.

"Omg that's good, how'd it go?" I asked.

"Amazing, I might get an internship" she squealed.

Half an hour, Beverly arrived.

"Nice for you to show up" Becca said.

"I'm sorry, I went to a party and lost track of time" Beverly said.

"Oh, a party with your sorority sisters?" Becca mocked.

"Yes actually" Beverly rolled her eyes.

"What are you up to? Writing about irrelevant people? Do people even read your blog?" Beverly said.

"At least I'm focusing on school instead of being a party whore" Becca said.

Beverly faked laughed.

"You're the one to talk. I've seen you on Peter's Instagram stories. You haven't got knocked up again?" Beverly said.

"Beverly" I said, trying to stop them.

"At least I still have a boyfriend" Becca faked smiled.

"Becca chill out, I think this whole writer stuff has gotten you on a high horse" Bethany said and they started arguing.

"Becca you're just jealous because you go to a trashy university. Last time I checked NYU wasn't an Ivy league school" Beverly said.

Then they started pushing each other.

"Last time we were supposed to hang, you were at a party Beverly. Have you forgotten about your friends? You have new sisters huh" Becca said.

"Y'all are not my sisters" Beverly said and we all froze.

"Maybe we shouldn't be friends" Becca said, getting her stuff.

"Yeah I agree. You guys should get going" I said, going to the door and opening it.

They all started leaving, as I closed the door I started crying.

"What was that all about?" William said, coming downstairs.

I walked towards him and hugged him.

"I think I just lost my friends" I cried.

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