Chapter 112.

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All the girls were leaving, taking their stuff down

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All the girls were leaving, taking their stuff down.

"I don't want you guys to go" I frowned.

Becca laughed.

"We're literally in the same building" Bethany smiled.

Thankfully they all got an apartment in the same building.

"We'll see you later" Becca smiled and they went down the elevator.

After a while, I heard the elevator.

"What did y'all forget?" I asked, walking to it and I saw Wiliam.

"Hey" he said.

I smiled.

"Hi, come in" I said.

"Just wanted to visit, I feel pretty lonely" he said.

"I feel lonely too, my friends all moved out" I said.

"So you're going to be alone?"

"Yeah" I said.

He nodded.

"I was just about to eat, do you want to join me?" I asked.

"Only if we watch a movie" he smiled.

I smiled.

When we were halfway done with our food, I felt sick.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded but then I ran to the bathroom.

I threw up.

When I was done, I washed my mouth.

"Hey are you okay, what's wrong?" William asked.

"I just felt nauseous but I'm fine" I said, ignoring all the times I've thrown up these past few days.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

I was about to speak until I was blacking out.

He quickly caught me.

"Brooklyn" he said.

I tried to speak but only made noises.

"I have to take you to the hospital" he said.

"No!" I quickly said.


"No" I said.

He placed me on my couch and I received a huge pain inside my stomach.

I started crying.

"I have to take you to the hospital"

"No" I cried, holding on to my stomach.

He then got up and took out his phone.

"Hey, it's Brooklyn, she's not good" he said and then hung up.

I cried.

"What's hurting?" he asked.

"My whole body, but mainly stomach. I feel something inside" I cried.

He grabbed my hand.

After a while, we heard the elevator.

I saw Luke.

He ran to me.

"Brooklyn? I'm here, what's wrong?" he asked.

I couldn't even speak.

"Her whole body is hurting" William told him.

I groaned.

"We have to take you to the hospital" Luke said.

"No, please don't" I cried.

He ignored me and carried me.

"Luke" I said, trying to hit him but I had no force.

We got in the car.

He wrapped his arms around me, as I cried.

"You're going to be okay" he whispered.

We got to the hospital and he carried me.

"What's wrong with her?" I heard someone ask.

"Her body is hurting a lot. She has no strength" Luke said and placed me on a hospital bed.

I pulled my knees to my stomach as the wheeled me inside a room and soon I didn't hear anything.

I opened my eyes and saw Luke sitting down.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" he asked, grabbing my hand.

"I feel good" I whispered.

The doctor came in, same one from last time.

"Hi, how are you doing?" she asked.

"Better" I asked.

"What happened to her?" Luke asked.

"It's a miracle" she said.

"What is?" Luke asked.

"You are pregnant" she smiled.

"What?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Her body got used to the idea of not being able to conceive and that's why it was hurting. You are two weeks in" she smiled.

I started crying.

"Brooklyn, you're pregnant. We're having a child" Luke smiled.

He hugged me and I held on tight.

"Congratulations. You are ready to go home" she said and left.

"I'm having a baby" I whispered.

Luke kissed me.

We got home and saw William.

"Hey" he said and he hugged me.

"I was worried about you" he told me.

"I'm pregnant William. After they told me that I couldn't anymore" I said.

He gave me a weak smile.

"I'm happy for you" he hugged me.

Later on, the girls came to check up on me.

I told them the news and they were all so happy for me.

"You're pregnant?" they squealed and hugged me.

I decided to call my mom.

"Hey Brook" she said.

"Hi mom, are you busy?" I asked.

"No, me and your dad just finished eating" she said.

"Well I called you to tell you something. Mom, I'm pregnant" I said, softly.

"Brook" she said.

I could hear her voice shaking.

"I know mom. It's a miracle" I said.

"I can't wait to meet him or her. I'll see you soon baby. Take care" she said.

"How are you feeling?" Luke asked as I was getting on my bed.

"I feel reassured. I wanted to be a mom" I said.

He smiled.

"How are you?" I asked.

He wrapped his arm around me.

"I'm eager, you're having my baby" he smiled.

I kissed him and I turned off the lights.

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