Chapter 42.

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The boys had a home football game today.

All the girls were in the bathroom, getting ready.

"So I heard the opposing team are bringing their cheer team" Juliette said.

"From where?" Hailey asked.

"Blueford High School" Juliette asked.

"Oh yeah that's a bad team, sportsmanship wise" Becca said, rolling her eyes.

"Both the boys and girls" I said.

"They like to play dirty and talk trash, like some people" Beverly said, referring to the skanks.

"Okay let's not fight over them, we should show them that we're united because we're on the same team. We're going to walk out with our heads high, looking hot. Are we ready?" I said and they nodded and cheered.

We then walked out and they were already there.

As we walk to our side of the fields, the cheer team gave us dirty faces.

I rolled my eyes and they started whispering to each other.

"Alright girls, let's ignore them" I said and we began our stretches.

We practiced our pyramid and then Becca fell but luckily Juliette and Beverly caught her.

The other cheer team started laughing.

"Oh hell no" Becca said and started walking towards them.

I grabbed her arm.

"Let it go" I said.

"No, I'm with Becca. They've been talking shit about us this whole time" Juliette said.

"Mkay I love this energy but they're not worth it" I said and then the opposing team football players came to us.

"Hey babes, y'all are looking hot" one of them said, looking at me up and down. ( Brandon Larracuente)

He was staring at my chest and I grabbed his chain.

"My face is up here" I faked smiled and he laughed.

Mostly every boy was with one of us.

"Hey Edwin, come over here" we heard and it was one of the other cheerleaders.

"I think your mom is calling you" I said to him and the girls laughed.

"Why not after the game, after we win, we can take y'all out to eat" he said.

And then our football team came.

Angel pushed Edwin.

"Y'all are on the wrong side" he said.

"Leave our girls alone" Blake said.

"Oh so these girls are you guys property?" another guy from the opposing team said.

And then a girl from the opposing school came. (Danna Paola)

"Hi I'm Monse" she faked smiled at me and offered me her hand.

I shook it.

"Brooklyn" I faked smiled back.

"Why don't we use all this energy and aggressiveness on the field" she fakely said.

"And of course our team is going to win" she said and I scoffed.

She then saw Angel.

"Y'all don't have a bad looking team. I'm Monse" she said to him.

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