Chapter 106.

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It was New Years and we were going to host a party at our apartment, the last one with Becca living there.

She and Peter were going to look for places.

When everything was set up, we got ready.

When everything was set up, we got ready

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Everyone started arriving.

I saw Samuel.

"Hey" I smiled and he hugged me.

He picked me up and spun me.

"Hey" he smiled.

I then saw Julianna with Luke.

I rolled my eyes.

I grabbed Samuel's hand and we walked towards them.

"Hey" I said.

"Hey, Peter invited us"

"And Becca, welcome" we heard and saw Becca.

"Thanks for coming, enjoy the party" Becca smiled and they walked away.

"Why did you invite them?" I asked.

"I have to interview her but I don't have one yet, so act nice" she said and left.

"Everyone don't forget to write a resolution and place it in this jar. Around 11, they're going to be read out loud and we have to guess you wrote them" Becca said.

Me and Samuel went to the table to write ours.

"Let me see yours" I said and he hid it.

"It's a secret" he smiled.

"Hey guys, what's this for?" we heard and we saw Monse and Allie.

"Everyone has to write one and then we'll guess who wrote it" I said, hugging them.

"Sounds fun" she said and wrote hers.

"Okay guys, everyone find a seat. We're going to begin reading the resolutions" Beverly said.

"Here" Samuel said, giving me a chair.

"Thank you" I smiled.

"The first resolution, travel the world"

"That's defiantly Allie" Samuel said.

"Yeah that's me, you really do know me" she said, giving him a look.

I scrunched my eyebrows and grabbed his hand.

"Write a book"

"That's Peter" Becca said and he laughed.

"Write about what?" I asked.

"About myself" he shrugged and I laughed.

"Learn to be kind"

We all turned to look at Becca.

"Becca did you write that?" I asked and we laughed.

"Yeah I did" she laughed.

"End procrastination"

"Bethany that's definitely you" I said and she nodded.

"Dream bigger, be more creative"

"Brooklyn" Luke said.

"Yeah" I said, looking at my glass.

"Find a boyfriend"

"That's Monse" Becca said.

Monse laughed.

"How'd you know?" she asked.

"You've yapped about it" Becca said and they laughed.

"Marry the love of my life"

"Who wrote that?"

Nobody knew.

"It was me" Samuel said.

"Aww" everyone said.

I smiled and he kissed me.

"Learn to give back"

"Beverly" Bethany said.

"Be true to my feelings"

Everyone stayed quiet.

I then saw Luke getting up.

Beverly then finished calling them out.

It was the 10 second countdown.

"Happy New Year!" everyone yelled.

Samuel kissed me.

"Another year with you" he said, smiling.

I kissed him and when I pulled away, I saw Luke staring.

I looked down.

"You okay?" Samuel asked, grabbing my chin.

"Yeah" I gave him a weak smile.

"Can we have everyone's attention?" we heard and we saw Blake and Wesley.

"Beverly, I want you to let me be part of your life forever. I want to be there for you for everything. Will you make me the happiest and marry me?" Blake said, getting on his knees.

"Omg yes, yes, yes" she smiled and he kissed her.

"Now my turn. Beth, I came back to New York for you. I've loved you for the longest and my love for you will never go away. Will you marry me?" Wesley said.

She squealed.

"I was waiting for you to ask me, of course!" she smiled and he picked her up.

"Aww" I squealed.

I started taking pictures.

"I need to get my camera, be right back" I said and went to my room.

I then bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry" I said and looked to see Luke.

He stared at me.

He then grabbed my arm and pulled me to my room.

"What are you doing Luke?" I asked and he grabbed my cheek.

"You wrote that resolution right?" I whispered.

"Yeah, I want to be with you Brook" he whispered.

He closed his eyes.

"I know you want the same"

"What are we doing Luke?"

"Trying to hold back our feelings, we need to be true to them"

"I can't" I whispered.

He kissed me.

"I love you Brooklyn" he whispered.

"I love you Luke" I whispered back.

He smiled and left.

I went back and went to Bethany and Beverly.

"Congrats" I said, hugging them.

"We all three are getting married" Beverly squealed.

"I'm so happy for you two" I smiled.

"We all three are going to be once we marry the guys we love" Bethany said.

I looked down.

"Everything alright?" Beverly asked me.

"Um yeah" I gave her a weak smile.

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