Chapter 50.

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Tonight we were going to have that thing with Blueford High School.

How exhausting, I don't want to see those cheerleader's faces.

When it was around 6:30, I started to get ready.

I took a shower, skincare routine, did my makeup, and my hair.

I took a shower, skincare routine, did my makeup, and my hair

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I went downstairs.

"Hey babe, are you heading out?" I heard my mom say as I was putting my jacket on.

"Yeah we have this school party event thing with another high school" I said.

"Is that boy Julian Russell going to be there?" she asked and I gave her a confused face.

"Yeah I think so, he was captain of the football team" I said.

"Alright well I want you and him to get close, you know, start to date" she said.

"You're kidding right?" I let a small laugh out.

"No jokes I'm serious. His family and I are making business and they thought it would look good if our children were together" she said.

"Mom why can't you leave me out of your business? I'm not getting close to him, he's a douche. And I can't believe you're asking me to do this when I'm not even over Angel" I said.

"You will do as I say so, Brooklyn your future plans are on the line here. Do you want to go to that design school? I'll let you but if you refuse to do what I say, I'll do everything for them to not let you in that school and I guess you'll go to Yale" she faked smiled.

I stayed quiet and then left.

I can't believe it.

When I got to the night club, people were already there.

I went in and saw my friends.

The lights went off and music started playing.

"I need a drink" I said and went to the bar.

"Woah are you okay?" Beverly asked.

"I'm fine" and I took a drink.

We then saw Edwin and Monse come in.

We walked towards them.

"Welcome, I hope you have a great time" I faked smiled.

Monse faked smiled.

I took a look at Edwin and he smiled at me.

And then they left to the bar.

We saw Peter come in.

Bethany gasped and we looked at her.

"I can't talk to him" Becca said and she ran to the bathroom.

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