Black and blue

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It's been 2 weeks since Nathan broke my nose, and today I can finally take off my bandages. I was continuously bullied because of the fucking bandage but that isn't always the case.

I peeled off the bandage carefully, there was dry blood and a small bruise on the bridge of my nose but nothing I can't clean and cover with a little bit of make up.

I wiped my face down and applied a small amount of contour too the bruise on my nose, I brushed my hair and curled the tips.

I grabbed my clothes which was a pair of jeans and a checkered top. It's hard too find clothes that fits me now as I've lost abit of weight. I grabbed my phone and my bag and headed downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning honey" my mum smiled taking sips of her coffee.

"Hey mum." I smiled grabbing a bottle of water out the fridge and making myself a bowl of cornflakes.

I sat down and dig into my cornflakes.

"Your nose has healed great."

"I know I can finally breathe better now." I giggled.

"I know honey, how are things in school?" She asked.

"Well they bullied me about my nose constantly and Nathan shoved me into the lockers and tripped me over like usual."

"Don't worry honey not long now and you won't have too see him." She said.

I nodded, "I got my music exam today."

"What do you have too do for that?"

"I had too write my own song and today I have too present it too the head of the music department."

"Well your going too smash it."She smiled.

I returned the smile, I finished my cornflakes and put the dishes in the sink. I grabbed my converse and made my way too my mums car.

~ In school~

I walked into the music room and handed my song over too Miss Phillips.

"Wow, this is amazing Camila."

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Can you perform it for me?"

"Sure can I use the piano." I smiled.

"Of course."

I nodded and walked over too the piano, I took a deep breath and began to play.

I stare at my reflection in the mirror
Why am I doing this to myself?
Losing my mind on a tiny error,
I nearly left the real me on the shelf
No, no, no, no
Don't lose who you are, in the blur of the stars
Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing,
It's okay not to be okay
Sometimes it's hard, to follow your heart
Tears don't mean you're losing, everybody's bruising,
Just be true to who you are
Brushing my hair, do I look perfect?
I forgot what to do to fit the mold, yeah
The more I try the less it's working, yeah,
'Cause everything inside me screams, no, no, no, no, yeah
Don't lose who you are, in the blur of the stars
Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing
It's okay not to be okay
Sometimes it's hard, to follow your heart
But tears don't mean you're losing, everybody's bruising
There's nothing wrong with who you are
Yes, no's, egos, fake shows
Like woo, just go, and leave me alone
Real talk, real life, good love, goodnight
With a smile , that's my own
That's my own, no, no, no, no, no
Don't lose who you are, in the blur of the stars
Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing
It's okay not to be okay
Sometimes it's hard, to follow your heart
Tears don't mean you're losing, everybody's bruising
Just be true to who you are, yeah, yeah, yeah

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