Clubbing and heartbreak

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We've been back in London for 2 weeks now, I've barely seen Nathan as he's been recording and writing new songs too finish off the album since his absence.

I've also been busy writing and preparing my own album which is amazing. I've also got a music video that's about to be shot for crying in the club and Hey Ma which is really exciting.

I was in the house with Kelsey and Nareesha chatting about the boys new album. We were all so excited too hear it and proud of our boys making amazing music.

"So Cami should we go out tonight when the boys come back from there tour tomorrow?" Kelsey asked.

I shook my head, "why wait lets go right now." I cheered, the girls smiled and rushed upstairs so we could get ready.

I wore a black tight bodycon dress with black heels, I curled my hair and applied my usual makeup. I grabbed my phone and bag and headed downstairs to wait for the girls.

Ten minutes later and the girls were finally ready, so we headed too the club, we got inside the club straight away thanks too my VIP card.

We headed straight too the bar and down shots of tequila and drank vodka and cokes. The song good times played and I could tell by the look in Kelsey's face she loved this song.

"Come on Cami lets dance." Kelsey cheered, I could tell she was tipsy just by looking at her.

I nodded, "okay two secs let me just send a text to Nath." I yelled over the music, she nodded and headed too the dance floor with Nareesha.

I quickly text Nathan,

Hey babe, just too let you know me and the girls have gone out tonight, can't wait too see you tomorrow. Xxx

I sent the text and immediately joined the girls on the dance floor, I swayed my hips too the song that's when I felt someone's arms wrap around my waist.

I quickly turned around too see a guy bit much older than me, he was tall and I'm not going too lie he was good looking.

"Hey love." He slurred, I could tell he was drunk and trying to chat me up but it wasn't going too work.

"Hi." I simply said and turned back too the girls.

"Why don't you come back to mine tonight." He slurred pressing his lips against my neck.

"I have a boyfriend." I stated pushing this guy off me.

" I don't see him." He slurred gripping my wrist, I gasped in pain. I clenched my fist and punched him straight into his face. I stormed out the club and grabbed my phone too see it was 3:00am and no text for Nathan which was weird.

I decided too ring him, I waited and waited but no answer. I groaned in frustration. I decided to call Max too see if he was with Nathan.

M: Hello Cami
C: hi Max is Nathan there?
M: nope he's not here why?
C: well I'm out with the girls and I haven't heard off him today and I tried ringing him and he didnt answer.
M: he's probably out Cami, when he comes in I'll tell him you rang. Actually too secs he's calling me.
C: okay tell him too give me a call when he can
M: okay bye Cami
C: bye

I sighed and headed back into the club, the girls were still dancing so I decided too take my mind off of Nathan and headed over to the bar.

"Can I have a shit of tequila." I asked the bartender he nodded and prepared my drink, I thanked him and handed him the money and quickly drank my drink.

I decided too scroll through my Twitter too see if anything new was updated, but as I scrolled through I noticed a picture that was posted 10 minutes ago of Nathan and Ariana Grande together. His arm was placed around her waist and her arms were wrapped around his.

My heart broke into pieces, that cheating scum. I grabbed my bag and quickly left the club without telling the girls.

I called a taxi and headed straight home, as I was travelling home I quickly rang Scooter too book me a flight too L.A today. He asked me why so I explained everything and by his voice I could tell he wasn't happy.

I soon arrived home and headed upstairs quickly too pack my bags and everything. I wrote everyone a note except for Nathan. I told the others not too tell him anything or where I'm staying.

I placed each letter in everyone's room and went too head downstairs when I noticed the gleaming ring in my finger. My heart broke instantly and I burst out into tears. I removed the ring and bracelet and put it on Nathan's side table.

I ran downstairs and out the door too my taxi, we drove off, I took one last glance of the house. Goodbye for good.

I got too the airport and noticed it was already 8am, I went through customs and sat waiting for my flight too be called, that's when I noticed passengers coming off of the plane.

I didn't take much notice until I glanced up again to see the boys walking off the plane. My eyes instantly locked in that one person. He was smiling and having a laugh with the boys. My heart broke, he cheated on me and he's all happy and cheery when I'm here heartbroken and leaving once again.

I quickly hid so they didn't see me and lucky enough they didn't, my flight was soon called I got in the plane and looked outside.

We began moving and sooner or later we were in the air, I took one final glance down at England before closing my eyes and falling asleep.

12 hours later

Finally i landed back in L.A, I grabbed my bag and saw scooter waiting for me by the exit.

"Hey hun are you okay?"He asked grabbing my bag and giving me a big hug, I couldn't help but let the tears fall.

"Hey everything is going too be okay." He smiled reassuringly and rubbed my back.

I nodded and followed Scooter too the car. I turned on my phone and Scooter put my bags in the boot. I had missed calls and texts from everyone including Nathan.

I rolled my eyes and ignored his text, I decided to ring Kelsey as she's my best friend.

K: what the fuck Camila where are you?
C: it's all in the letter I gave you and the boys
K: I know I've read the letter, but you didn't explain why you've left.
C: Nathan cheated on me with Ariana Kels

There was silence on the phone till I heard Kelsey screaming at the top of her lungs.

"NATHAN JAMES SYKES." She yelled, i sighed and rubbed the back of my head. I heard yelling and screaming coming from the end of the call.

K: Cami?
C: yes?
K: Nathan said it's not what you think
C: tell him he can go and fucking do one
K: don't be like that
C: don't tell him where I am and tell the boys too because otherwise I won't speak to you again

I demanded and hung up the phone, Scooter soon came in the car and gave me a small smile, I returned the smile and just kept quiet for the whole journey back home.

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