Loving mothers and cat fights

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Nathan didn't come back too the bus last night, he probably stayed with Ariana. I feel ashamed that I hid my secret away from him but he wasn't on my good terms when I came home and it would ruin my plan too kill my father and get my revenge on Ariana.

We were on our way too Gloucester, Scooter announced yesterday that we are staying at Nathan's house for the next 2 days till we are back on the road heading too Nottingham.

I packed my bag with the stuff I needed for today and tomorrow. I decided too have a shower before I arrive at Nathan's house, I can't wait too see Jess and Karen again, but In the back of my mind I feel like there gonna hate me and completely adore Ariana.

I got in the shower and washed my hair and body. As the water poured down my naked body all I can think about is Nathan's touch, when kissed my lips and my body, his hands and fingers sliding down my back and arms. I took a big deep breath too calm my emotions, I stepped out of the shower and wrapped my towel around my body. I dried my hair and curled the tips, I did my makeup and applied my dark red lipstick.

I walked out of my bathroom towards my wardrobe, I got changed into my red silk strap top, my dark blue skinny jeans, my dark blue jacket and my black ankle boots. I grabbed my bag and phone and exited my room and downstairs too the ground floor of the bus, the boys were watching a film when I got downstairs. I put my bag by the boys bags and sat down by the piano.

" hey Cami." Jay smiled.

" hey boys." I sighed gliding my fingers across the piano keys.

" what's wrong?" Tom asked.

" oh it's nothing." I said.

The boys paused the film and made there way over too me, I felt a hand placed on my shoulder and when I looked up I saw Max smiling at me.

" now tell us what's wrong." Max asked.

I sighed, " I just feel ashamed of myself that I kept a secret from Nathan and now he hates me because I'm a vampire."

" Camila we understand that you feel ashamed there's no need, Nathan will soon realise that your not a monster." Max smiled rubbing my shoulder.

I nodded, " thank you boys." I smiled, the boys nodded and gave me a big hug which made me feel much better.

" So Cami have you got a new song?" Tom asked.

I nodded, "I've written one but it's a duet and I wanted too sing it with Nath as we didn't do our planned duet as him and Ariana did it." I sighed.

" well why don't we have a chat with Nath?" Siva suggested.

" boys there is no point once he finds out it's a duet with me he will decline instantly." I said.

" we won't say it's with you we will just say Scooters written a new song for you too sing." Jay replied.

Hmmm that's actually a good idea, the song is about me and Nathan anyways, and also it would allow me too keep an eye on him with my dad back in town wanting too kill us.

" okay." I agreed.

The boys cheered, I handed them over the song, I saw the boys scan the lyrics with a smile on there faces.

"We will give it too him when we arrive at his house." Tom said.

I nodded, just then Scooter and Logan appeared, "we are here guys so grab your cases and let's go." Scooter cheered.

We grabbed our cases and exited the bus, we waited as Arianas bus pulled up shortly afterwards. I watched as Nathan and Ariana left the bus together hand in hand, my blood began too boil as I watched them together.

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