Chilled day and embarassing situations

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It's was the first morning on the tour bus and we were on our way too Cardiff. I got out of bed and headed for my wardrobe too get changed, I grabbed a pair of black ripped skinny jeans a white crop top and a white headband.

I quickly got dressed and left my room, none of the boys were up yet which meant I could have a blood bag without Nathan knowing what I am. I ripped the cap off and gulped all the blood from the bag, I chucked the bag away and decided too watch a film before the boys get up.

I sat down on the sofa and flicked through Netflix, god these are boring!! Finally I found a film that looked rather good which was Vamp u. I pressed play and just chilled watching the film.

Half way watching the film and I could hear the boys getting up. Tom and Max were the first too walk out of there room.

"Good morning Cami." Tom yawned flicking the kettle on.

"Good morning boys sleep well?" I asked, with my eyes still glued too the t.v.

"Yes love, but Nathan and Logan were snoring all night which kept me awake for a while." Max groaned.

I chuckled, that's when Nathan and Logan walked out of the room.

"I don't snore George." Nathan defended.

"Yes you do baby Nath." Tom supported, making himself a brew.

"Tommy?" I asked, in a baby voice.

"What Cabello?" He asked.

"Could I have a cuppa please." I asked fluttering my eyelashes.

He rolled his eyes, "fine." He groaned grabbing my cup from the cupboard and making my tea.

I smiled and paused the film, I turned too Logan and smiled, "Did you sleep well Log?" I asked, he nodded and flopped down next too me.

"Yeah it's alright actually." He smiled, I chuckled and gave him a small side hug. I quickly took a glance at Nathan who seemed annoyed, but I didn't care Logan is my family so I can hug him wherever and whenever.

"Here you go my lady." Tom bowed handing me my cuppa.

"Thanks Parker." I smiled taking a sip of my tea.

"Oh Parker, why do you complain when I ask you too make me a cuppa but don't complain when Cami asks?" Nathan asked.

"Well Camilas nice too me and your just a lazy bastard anyways." Tom chuckled which made me giggle.

Soon Jay and Siva got out of bed, but Jay obviously forgetting I was here walked out completely naked.

" hey boys." Jay yawned grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. The boys just stared at Jay whilst I was trying my hardest not too look down at his area.

" Umm Jay." I said, he looked at me and smiled.

" good morning Cabello." He smiled obviously not caring that I can see his manhood.

" Oh bird shouldn't you put on some clothes?" Siva said.

Jay looked confused for a moment till he looked down and realised he was naked, he quickly covered his dick with his hands and went red with embarrassment.

" oh my god, I'm so sorry Camila I completely forgot." He apologised.

" it's fine Jay it's not like I haven't seen a dick before, is it Nath?" I smirked, Nathan looked at me and blushed lightly.

" Yeah Jay, Camila saw plenty of cock in the Bahamas." Tom smirked, I rolled my eyes, I watched as Nath walked up too Tom and smacked him across the head which made me laugh.

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