Break ups and strength

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It's been 2 weeks since my surgery, so today I'm going back for my check up with Dr Nasseri too see if I'll be able too talk and hopefully start my recovery.

I ran downstairs too see my mum cooking bacon and eggs.

"Hey honey." My mum said frying the bacon.

I walked towards her and smiled, "would you like some bacon and eggs?" She asked, I nodded and sat down on one of the breakfast stools.

"Have you heard from Nathan or anyone?" She asked. I shook my head, I haven't spoken too any of them since they left two weeks ago, no message, no calls, no nothing.

"Hey don't worry honey, they'll probably text you soon." She said.

I nodded, she placed my bacon and eggs infront of me, I quickly ate my breakfast and headed upstairs too brush my teeth.

"Camila, Scooter is here." My mum called, I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs where Scooter was standing by the door.

"Good morning Cami." Scooter said, I smiled and waved.

"Are you ready?" He asked, I nodded and followed Scooter too the car after saying goodbye too my mum.

We soon arrived at the doctors, we made our way too reception.

"Camila Cabello for her follow up appointment." Scooter said, the receptionist smiled, "okay take a seat Doctor Nasseri will see you in a minute." She said, I nodded and sat down on one of the chairs.

We waited in silence, "Camila." Doctor Nasseri called, I got up and made my way towards the room, with scooter behind me.

"Hello Camila and Scooter, please Camila sit ." The doctor gestured too a chair.

I sat down, "okay so I'm going too check your vocal chords and then I want you too speak too me." He said I nodded, I opened my mouth so he could take a look.

"Okay, now tell me how do you feel?" He asked.

I breathed, "I feel okay" I said, my voice felt amazing, but weird because I haven't spoke in a while.

"Okay, your voice is healing amazingly well and quiet quick for that matter so i think you can begin your vocal lessons tomorrow, have you got a vocal coach ready?" Dr Nasseri asked turning to Scooter.

"Yes, we have she will be here tonight." Scooter replied.

Doctor Nasseri nodded, "well I'm very happy with your voice so I won't be needing too see you again, just follow this recovery steps." He said handing me a booklet.

I smiled, "thank you doctor." I said standing up and shaking his hand.

"I hope too see you perform at summertime ball." He said I smiled and left the room.

I soon got home and decided too go take a dip in the hotub, I ran upstairs too get changed into my bathing suit. I tied my hair up in a ponytail and put on my sunglasses, I grabbed my phone and speaker, I left my room and headed downstairs.

The weather was gorgeous, well it always is, I stepped on the hotub and finally I could relax, my voice was healing well and I can get back too singing tomorrow.

I closed my eyes listening too Rihanna only girl in the world when my phone buzzed my the side of me. I opened my eyes and grabbed my phone.

I looked at my phone too see that I had a text from Nathan. I opened the text and all my happiness and relief was soon turned into heartbreak.

I'm sorry Camila we are just not working, I can't be with you anymore when I'm all the way over here in the U.K and your over there is the U.S. I truly am sorry.

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