Seeing my mum and an amazing day

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I packed up my suitcase ready too go back home and see my mum for a few days till me and Nathan head back too London.

I zipped up my bag and grabbed my phone and handbag before heading downstairs where Nathan was speaking too his mum and sister. I walked into the kitchen where they were having a deep conversation.

Nathan didn't notice I was behind him at first.
I coughed catching his attention he gave me a big smile when I walked over too him. He kissed my temple and finished speaking too him mum.

"Right we better get going." Nathan smiled tapping his hand in the kitchen counter.

"Yeah, thank you Karen for letting me stay I had the most wonderful few days." I thanked and gave Karen a hug.

"Anytime darling, your welcome whenever you like, it was lovely too meet you." Karen said as she hugged me back.

I pulled away from the hug and turned too Hess, I spreader my arms and in an instant she ran and gave me a big squeeze nearly knocking the air out of me.

" it was great too see you Jess." I giggled as she released a small squeal.

"It was great too see you Camila, I can't wait too see you again." She squealed tightening her arms around my waist.

I giggled and gave her one last hug before I left the house. I hopped into the drivers seat whilst Nathan put our bags in the boot. I grabbed a fag from my hand bag and lit it up as I watched Nathan struggling too out my last bag in the boot.

I giggled too myself hearing him groan out in frustration. I rolled my eyes and finished off my fag. I hopped out of the car and walked towards Nathan who still looked frustrated.

"What are you doing?" I asked amused.

"It doesn't fit." He groaned impatiently.

"Give it here." I said grabbing the suitcase and placing it in the boot, I shut the boot and walked back too the drivers seat.

"See that wasn't so hard was it?" I asked Nathan with a hint of sarcasm, he groaned and just stared out the window in one of him tantrums.

I started the engine and drove off waving goodbye too Karen and Jess. It didn't take us long too arrive at my house. I pulled up the n the drive next too my mums car. Nathan jumped out still pissed off about the suitcase.

I grabbed my bags as Nathan grabbed his and shut the boot. I walked up the drive and the steps leading too the door and opened it. I walked into the house remembering what it looked like before I moved.

I noticed my mum re painted some of the rooms and changed the carpets but it still looked like home. I pushed my suitcase into a corner and took off my shoes.

"Mum I'm here." I yelled, I head movement upstairs.

" MUM." I yelled again, I heard movement again coming closer too the stairs. Both me and Nathan looked up too see my mum smiling as she saw the both of us standing at the end of the stairs.

"Oh my god hunny your home. She cheered as she rushed downstairs giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

I giggled and wrapped my arms around her neck and hugged her tightly. She released and looked over at Nathan.

"So you must be Nathan?" My mum asked sternly.

" yes and you're Mrs Cabello." Nathan kindly shook her hand.

My mum nodded, " so you were the one who bullied my daughter and made her life a misery?" My mum deadpanned.

I could see guilt and fright in Nathan's eyes as my mum confronted him.

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