palladium and vocal problems

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Camilas p.o.v
"Right that's a wrap people" the director yelled, everyone cheered, I can't believe I just did my first music video.

"Hello lil Cabello." MGK said picking me up and spinning me around.

"Alright." I said giggling, he put me down and messed my hair up, I stared at him, I was not pleased that he just messed my hair up.

"Bastard." I said, he chuckled but gave me a friendly hug. "So I see you've brought your friends." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes, "yes you obviously know Kelsey and then there's The Wanted boys." I said gesturing too them all winding up Scooter.

"Come on let's go see them." MGK said, I nodded and walked over too them, Kelsey was the first too spot us she waved her hand like an idiot which made me giggle.

"Hey guys." I said, they turned too me and smiled.

"You did good Cabello." Max said playing with my ear, I did the good girl face which made them laugh.

"Oh my god what have you done too my niece." Scooter said which made us laugh, I walked over too Scooter and gave him a hug.

"They've changed me into them Scooter save me please." I said. I looked at the boys too see them not impressed which made me and Scooter laugh.

"You Cabello are trouble." Max pointed, I poked my tongue out which he then flipped me off.

"So Guys this is MGK." I said, they turned around and smiled at him.

"Alright Mate, How did it feel then flirting with Camila in the music video?" Tom asked.

" she's a great girl, and she's really funny so yeah It was great." He said, I smiled at him.

"See boys I'm liked by everyone." I said flipping my hair, they rolled there eyes at me.

"So Guys we got too get going so you can do sound check for the palladium." Scooter announced, we nodded, I said goodbye too MGK and headed towards the car.

I opened the door too see every seat taken, "Where the hell am I suppose too sit?" I asked.

"Sorry love you'll have too sit on one of our laps." Max said.

I rolled my eyes, fucking great. Well I couldn't sit on Toms lap because Kelsey was already sitting there, I didn't want too sit on Max's because he's like a brother too me, Siva got a girlfriend so that is out of the question and Jay is just annoying and will wind me up so that's a no go, so it'll have too be Naths lap.

"Ummm Nathan can I sit on your lap please?" I asked hiding the embarrassment.

"Sure Cami." He said moving his hands from his lap, I sat down and looked at everyone else staring at me, I flipped them the bird and looked at my phone.

I scrolled through my messages too see I had a text from my mum, I opened the message and smiled.

Hey love, how's things going, hope your uncle Scooter is looking after you, I can't wait too see you start touring by the way love the song Bad things you've done me proud.

I couldn't help but smile, I love how proud my mum is of me, I did all of this for her because she's always been there for me through everything, and I'm so proud too have her as a mum.

"What's wrong?" Nath whispered in my ear, I turned too him and smiled.

"I just had a text from my mum, she's said she proud of me." I smiled, he returned the smile and gave me a hug.

"She's right, you are amazing Cami, I didn't even know you could sing until I heard you that day in rehearsals." He said.

I smiled, "same here, I didn't even know you could sing, when you left school I thought it was because you got kicked out or something but when I saw you in rehearsals I was in so much shock and slight fear." I sighed looking down at my hands, I heard him sigh.

"I'm really sorry Cami, but I promise I'll never hurt you." He said, which made me smile.

"Were here boys and girls." Scooter said, we got out the car and headed inside.

The boys got changed ready for soundcheck, me and Kelsey just stayed sat on the sofas in the dressing room.

"So what's happening with you and Nath?" Kelsey asked, I pulled my legs up on the sofa and leant against the back.

"Well we kissed twice." I mumbled.

"You what?" She asked, I rolled my eyes.

"We kissed okay." I yelled, her eyes went wide and a huge smile plastered on her face.

Oh no I thought. I loud scream came from her mouth, "you kissed Nathan Sykes." She yelled.

"Kels will you fuck up." I said shoving her.

"Sorry, but you and Nathan Sykes kissed." She she squealed, I rolled my eyes which made her laugh.

"I know and I really enjoyed it Kels but I can't do relationships, like me and Shawn didn't even last long." I sighed playing with my hair.

"You never know Nathan might be the one." She suggested, I sighed she might be right, maybe me and Shawn didn't last because I liked somebody else.

"Hey girls you coming too watch the boys perform?" Scooter Asked coming into the room, we nodded and made our way backstage.

"Hey girls." The boys said, Tom went straight over too Kelsey and gave her a hug. I can tell how happy she is, this is the happiest she's been since Jordan and I'm really happy she's found somebody that makes her feel special.

"Alright boys your on." Scooter said, the boys rushed on stage, I like seeing the boys so happy and excited when performing.

"Hey guys we are The Wanted and this is glad you came." Tom yelled over the mic, the crowd went wild, I couldn't help smile at the boys, they are adored by all the fans and they are extremely talented.

As the show went on I noticed Nathan's vocals lacking when he was singing his verse, which made me worry, I could see the concern in his face but I could tell he was hiding it away from the fans.

"Thank you guys for coming you've been amazing." Max yelled, the boys walked off stage  and headed over too us, I called Nathan over too have a chat with me in private away from the boys.

"Are you okay?" I asked, concerned about his voice.

"No my voice is just whacked." He croaked, which made my heart drop.

"Does it hurt?" I asked. He nodded, I could see dread in his eyes when he nodded.

"It's burning down here." He said gesturing too him throat.

"We should get you looked at." I suggested, he nodded but I could tell that was the last thing he wanted.

Scooter came over too us and patted Nathan on the back, " everything okay?" Scooter asked.

I shook my head, " his throat is burning." I said looking at Nathan.

"Well I think the best option is too get you checked out." Scooter suggested.

He nodded, he was obviously heartbroken but who wouldn't be music is what he love and he's only 19 so hearing this news is the worst.

We headed back too the boys and went straight too the car, I sat back on Nathan's lap and cuddled into him, I could tell how upset he was and to be honest I was worried. This could be his career finished at 19.

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