Back home and rehearsals

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I woke up feeling really tired, I didn't sleep well last night, because for one I couldn't sleep and two I was up most of the night crying because of the letter and present Nathan left me.

I struggled too get out of bed but finally I had the courage to get up, I walked over too the bathroom still half asleep, I turned on the shower and stripped out of my pyjamas and walked into the shower feeling the water refresh and relax me. I washed my hair and turned off the water, I grabbed my towel wrapping it around my body.

I made my way over too my mirror too see my baggy, red eyes. I brushed my hair and blow dried it, and straightened it which took forever. I grabbed my make up bag and did my make up naturally but making sure I used a lot of concealer on my eyes.

I walked out of the bathroom and headed towards my bed where I laid my clothes last night, I wore blue skinny jeans with a black long sleeved crop top. I grabbed my black Adidas Gazelles and slipped them on my feet.

It was now 9:00am and Scooter was picking me up at 9:30am so I had half an hour too finish packing my bag, I grabbed my make up bag and towels and put them in my suitcase, I grabbed my chargers, headphones and my phone and put them in my bag.

I looked at my watch, 9:30am. I better get going, I grabbed my suitcases and headed downstairs, I double checked each room too see if I've left anything. And typical me I left my purse on the kitchen counter.

"Come on Camila." Scooter yelled, I rushed out of the kitchen and straight outside into the car, I waited as my driver and scooter were carrying my bags.

We were finally on our way, I was really excited too go back too the U.K after 3 years, I looked over at Scooter who was on his laptop probably running some errands, I plugged my headphones in and listened too some music.

We arrived at the airport shortly after, I handed my passport and boarding ticket too the women and placed my bag down.

"Oh my god your Camila Cabello." The women smiled, I nodded.

"I'm really sorry about your voice."She said sincerely, I just nodded. She handed me my passport and ticket, I followed Scooter up too security and made our way further into the airport.

We sat down and had some food as I haven't had any breakfast, "so are you nervous?" Scooter Asked.

I nodded, "yeah I'm just worried about the middle 8 in Crying in the club, I just don't want my voice too go back too square 1." I sighed popping a chip in my mouth.

"Hey, you can do it, I know you can. You've worked really hard for the past couple of months." Scooter said smiling at me.

I sighed, "I know, and I'm also worried about seeing The boys and girls after so long." I frowned.

"I know, but I bet they'll be really shocked seeing that your voice is capable of singing again." He said, I nodded and finished eating my chips.

"Flight too London U.K is now boarding."

I grabbed my bag and made my way towards the gates, I got on the plane and sat next too Scooter, I plugged in my earphones and soon drifted off too sleep.

"Camila."Scooter said tapping my shoulder, I groaned as I woke up. I pulled out my earphones and looked at him still sleepy.

"We're here." He said, I got up from my seat and walked off the plane. I grabbed my bags and headed out of the airport with scooter by my side.

We both got in the car and headed too Scooters house here in London. The journey was silent, I looked out the window and realised how different L.A was too the U.K.

Finally we arrived at Scooters house, I got out of the car and grabbed my bags and carried them inside. The house was huge, similar too the one he had back in L.A.

"So Cami, your bedroom is upstairs and on your right." Scooter said walking in through the door. I grabbed my bags and headed too my room.

I opened the door too see that my room was exactly the same size as my room in the Wanteds house back at the U.S. I unpacked my things and headed downstairs.

Scooter was waiting for me by the door with a smile on his face.

"What's up?" I asked, he rolled his eyes.

"We're going too Wembley stadium too rehearse, come on we are already late." He complained.

I rolled my eyes and headed too the car, I got in and turned the radio on.

"This is Walks like Rihanna by The Wanted." The radio host said, I looked out the window and decided too do my vocal warm ups ready for rehearsals.

"Camila we are here." Scooter announced, I got out the car and headed inside where the stage was set up.

"Alright Scooter?" A man smiled giving scooter a handshake.

"Cami this is John he's in charge of the event."  Scooter said.

I smiled and shook johns hand, "right so the guys are up there so follow me." John said, I followed him up on too the stage, where Shawn, pitbull, major lazer, Jbalvin, travis Scott and Quavo were standing talking.

"Alright boys."I smiled, they ran up too me and gave me a hug.

"Oh my god Camila, we are so happy too hear that you can sing again." Travis said, I smiled.

"Alright Cami." Shawn said, I walked up too him and gave him a hug.

"Right let's get too work." Scooter clapped, we nodded and began rehearsing.

" Right let's do the finish of Know no better." John said, we nodded and got into position.

"Right guys, this is the finale of the summertime ball so I want you guys too have fun." John said, we nodded.

"Camila can you dance?" John asked.
I nodded, he smiled, "that's great so I want you too freestyle." He said, I cheered which made me the guys laugh.

"Right that's it for today, so summertime ball is in two days so tomorrow we will rehearse Camilas entrance tomorrow and then we will be ready." John clapped, we cheered.

I said goodbye too the boys and headed out of the stadium, I got in the car and already it was dark.

"You excited?" Scooter Asked, I nodded, "I can't wait." I giggled.

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