Clubbing and exposure

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I finished up my rehearsals and my set list for the night. I talked too the boys and girls but completely avoided Ariana and Nathan. But every time I sneaked a glance Nathan was staring at me or being all lovey dovey with her.

"Right guys you ready too go out?" I asked applying my nude lipstick.

"Sure, so where are we headed?" Max asked.

"What about the Mahiki?" I asked.

They agreed, I said goodbye too Scooter and Brian before leaving the arena and heading too the club.

We soon arrived at the club and was instantly allowed inside thanks too my amazing V.I.P pass. We headed over too the booth which was nice and private.

"Right first rounds on me." Tom said as he headed down too the bar with Max.

I sat down in the middle of Kelsey and Nareesha, but just my luck Ariana decided too sit opposite me with Nathan. I rolled my eyes as I took a glance at them, like is she seriously trying too piss me off.

"So Camila whats new?" Nareesha asked over the music.

"Well I've written two new songs, my album is almost ready too be released and I'm starting my tour, so basically everything you already know." I said.

Both of them rolled there eyes, "no! Like have you been out with anyone since you've left?" Kels Asked.

I shrugged, "I've had sex a few times but nothing different just a one night stand." I said. That's when I brilliant idea came too my mind for a new song. I quickly grabbed my phone and typed in the sentence one night stand so I wouldn't forget.

"So Kels and Nareesha what's new?" I asked.

"Nothing really, Tom just being Tom, but I've now got my own dancing studio." Kelsey smiled.

My eyes widened, "oh my god kels that's amazing." I squealed and have her a big hug.

She giggled lightly, "so what about you reesh?" I asked.

"Welll I'm engaged." She smiled.

My mouth dropped as she showed me the sparkling diamond on her finger, "oh my god, I can't believe it congratulations babes." I smiled giving Nareesha a hug.

Max and Tom soon came back with the drinks, I grabbed my beer and took a big swig.

"Why don't we play truth or dare." Jay slurred. Everyone groaned and shook there heads.

"How about never have I ever?" I suggested.

The boys nodded along with the girls, except for Nathan and Ariana who were just being anti social.

"So let's start, Nath, Ariana are you joining." Siva asked.

They nodded as we grabbed our drinks ready too play.

"Okay never have I ever had sex." Tom said. Everyone took a shot except Ariana, which was really surprising as I thought Nathan would have shagged her by now.

"Right, never have I ever, slept with more than one person." Max said.

Everyone drank except for Nathan and Ariana, my eyes connected with Nathan's for a second till I disconnected them quickly.

"Never have I ever, had sex in the Bahamas." Kelsey smirked.

I glared at her, " both me and Nathan took a sip and I could tell Ariana was pissed.

" never have I ever cheated." I smirked, I watched Nathan closely too see if he was lying too me, but he didn't drink or even looked uneasy he was completely chilled, which made me think that what logan said was true.

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