Seeing her again and arguments

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Nathan's p.o.v

Me and the boys arrived in L.A yesterday, and are currently headed too the studio too meet our new Manager. I was so excited and as I'm the youngest of the group big things are quiet a go to for me.

"Alright baby Nath?" Jay asked.

"Yeah mate, I'm just curious on what Scooter is actually like." I said looking out the window of the car.

"Well he means business."

"I know man I'm just nervous." I smiled.

"Well it's your lucky day boys Scooter is actually busy for the next 2 weeks so you'll have his niece who will be your manager for the next 2 weeks." Nano said looking at his phone.

"Oooo a girl." The boys teased.

I rolled my eyes, " Guys I wouldn't even think about it she's Scooters niece." Nano said.

I rolled my eyes, No girl had ever caught my sights since year 11 back in Gloucester, I feel so bad how I treated her everyday, I broke her nose and made horrible comments I just wish I could apologise for what I did.

"We have arrived." Nano said.

We got out the car and made our way into the studio and headed too studio 5.

"So baby Nath you looking forward to meeting Scooters niece?l" Max asked.

"Yeah I'm excited, I just hope she knows what she's doing." I said.

"Well I'm sure she does otherwise Scooter wouldn't have sent her." Tom said.

"Boys." Siva whispered, the 4 of us looked at him and noticed he was staring at something we looked over too see two girls walking up too us. They looked about my age, and they were beautiful but only one caught my eye.

She had long dark brown hair with dark brown eyes, her figure was amazing especially in the outfit she was wearing, her lips were so kissable and her smile was blinding.

" hello boys I'm your manager for the next 2 weeks." She smiled.

"So what are your names?" She asked.

"I'm Tom"

"I'm Max"

"I'm Jay"

"I'm Siva"

"I'm Nathan" I smiled. She turned too her friend and said something but couldn't quiet hear what.

"So what are your names?" Jay asked.

"I'm Kelsey." The blonde one smiled, as I looked at her closely she reminded me of someone I knew. I looked over at my manager and noticed her smirking at me.

"My name is Camila.....Camila Cabello." She smirked. As she said that my mouth dropped, I can't believe the Camila I bullied and I had a huge crush on turned into this natural beauty, she was a beauty before but now she's even more beautiful.

I couldn't stop staring at her, I can tell she hates me and to be honest I don't blame her.

What's wrong Nathan?" Max asked.

"Ugh nothing." I said still staring at Camila

"Right boys let's get down too work then, so I listened too your song Chasing The Sun And I'm impressed so I want you too rehearse that for me please." Camila smiled whilst walking over too the chairs placed in the room and sat down.

We nodded and got into position, Kelsey played the music too the song,

Tom:I'm better, so much better now
I see the lights touch the light
We're together now
I'm better, so much better now
Look to the skies
Give me life
We're together now

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