3 years later and amazing news

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It's been three years since I gave birth too my wonderful daughter Mia. She has been such a gem and I couldn't ask for a better daughter. Mia got a few resemblances from both me and Nathan, she got my eyes and my smile and then she got Nathan's hair and nose.

Both me and Nathan haven't gone back too work since Mia was born, we have written a few songs but ain't ready too get properly back too work till Mia goes into Secondary school.

I was in the kitchen making some breakfast, I cooked the bacon and eggs for me and Nathan and a bowl of coco pops for Mia.

"Nathan, Mia." I called, placing our breakfast on the table. I heard footsteps running towards the kitchen.

"Hi mummy." Mia waved as she came into the kitchen and sat down too eat her breakfast.

"Hello honey, was daddy winding you up again?" I asked.

She nodded, "yeah he was saying that I won't be as fast as him when I grow into an older vampire." She pouted shoving mouthful of coco pops in her mouth.

I rolled my eyes, she definitely follows her Uncle Tom with her manners at the dinner table. Nathan walked over too me and kissed my lips.

"Hey gorgeous." He smiled going too sit down at the table.

"Good morning." I smiled grabbing my coffee and joining Nath and Mia at the table. We sat in silence as we ate our breakfast.

"Mummy?" Mia chirped playing around with her plastic spoon.

"Yes honey?" I asked taking a sip of my cup of coffee.

"I'm thirsty." She groaned, I giggled. Mia has a big thirst for blood since she was born, at first I was concerned but Scooter told me it was natural as she's a full bred vampire and she didn't get turned.

"Okay honey let mummy and daddy finish breakfast and the three of us can have a blood bag." I smiled, she nodded in agreement and went back too playing with her spoon.

"That was delicious thanks love." Nathan smiled as he finished his last bite of breakfast.

I smiled, "Thanks baby." I grabbed the dishes from the table, I rinsed them off and placed them in the dishwasher. I grabbed three blood bags from the fridge and handed one each too Mia and Nathan.

"Thanks mummy." Mia cheered, her mouth instantly connected with the bag and in the matter of seconds the blood was gone.

"Wow princess you must've been thirsty" Nathan said in disbelief.

"I was daddy, you and mummy are so slow." She mocked, which made me and Nathan laugh as it reminded us of the way Kelsey acted.

"Right let's get you upstairs so we can get you changed and ready for the day missy." I smiled, she giggled and ran out of the kitchen up the stairs, I followed slowly behind her lightly giggling too myself.

"Right then Mia, what do you want too wear today?" I asked opening her wardrobe.

She walked over and looked at her clothes and having a hard think on what too wear.

"Hmmmm I'll wear the black skinny jeans with my white nike top." She grinned pointing out the clothes.

I nodded and grabbed the clothes off the hanger and quickly got Mia changed. I brushed her hair into little pigtails and put on her socks and shoes.

"And all done." I cheered, she clapped her hands in joy and sped downstairs back too Nathan.

I decided too quickly get myself ready. I grabbed my skinny jeans and a pink crop top with my black jacket and my black ankle boots.
I brushed my hair in a half up half down and did my make up naturally.

As I was applying my lipstick I felt an uneasy sickness in my stomach. I dropped everything and ran straight for the toilet, where I was sick again.

I sighed, is there a possibility I could be pregnant again?

I grabbed a test from the bathroom cupboard, I quickly did the test and waited for 2 minutes too find out the results.

What if I am pregnant that means I have too take another 3 years off too wait until this little one goes into secondary school.

The two minutes went by so fast, I lifted the test too see the small little plus sign appear.

"Oh my god." I breathed, I sped downstairs too see Nathan and Mia watching beauty and the beast.

Nathan turned his head towards me and smiled, "you okay Cami?" He asked.

I nodded, I walked over too him and handed him over the test, he looked at me weirdly until he noticed I was pregnant again.

"OH MY GOD!!!!" He cheered and quickly got off the sofa and picked me up.

I giggled in his arms, "I can't believe we are going too have another baby."

"I know." I smiled, I noticed Mia looking at me and Nathan with confusion.

"What's going on mummy?" She asked. Both me and Nathan sat down on the sofa with Mia in the middle of us.

"Well mummy is carrying a little baby in her belly and that little baby is going too be either your little sister or little brother." Nathan explained.

Mia's eyes lit up, she placed her small hand in my stomach, "Hello little brother or sister in Mia your big sister" she smiled rubbing my belly.

Both me and Nathan chuckled at her enthusiasm of having a sibling, at first I thought she wasn't going too like the idea but from her face I can see that she's overwhelmed and going too be very very very protective.

We stayed sitting on the sofa finishing watching Beauty and Beast when I felt my phone vibrate next too me.

Scooters name flashed on my phone.

C: Hello
S: Hey Cami hows you, Nathan and little Mia?
C: We are all good just watching a film a minute.
S: Well that's good too hear anyways I'm just calling too let you know that I've got a song that I want you too collab on
C: oh! Well you know I'm on a break till Mia is older
S: yes I know but I just want you too record it and then we will release it ASAP after Mia is older.
M: well I think we'll have too put the release on hold
S: Why?
C: because I've got another lil bun in the oven
S: OMG!! Seriously
C: Yeah
S: well that's great how did Nathan and Mia react
C: well Nathan was stunned but really happy and Mia is just overwhelmed and keeps rubbing my belly talking too the baby
S: she's going too make an amazing older sister, Well I've got too go I'd really love if you do this collab Cami
C: I know and I will do it I'll meet you tomorrow how's that?
S: Sounds Good Right I got too go love you say hi too Nath and Mia for me
C: Will do bye Scooter

I hung up the phone and sighed, "whats wrong love?" Nathan asked.

"Scooter wants me too do a collab, so I'll be off to the recording studio tomorrow." I said.

"Oh." He replied looking uneased.

"What?" I asked.

"Well Rachel rang me earlier for me too record my song Freedom so I said I'll do it tomorrow." He said.

I groaned in frustration, "why didn't you tell me earlier?" I asked.

"Well I was about too but you told me your pregnant so I didn't get the chance too." He sighed.

"Fuck!!!" I cussed.

" I'll take Mia with me tomorrow." He said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

He nodded, "I'm positive." He smiled, I nodded in agreement and turned back too watch the film.

"Mummy, Daddy?" Mia asked.

"Yes honey?" We asked.

"What's fuck?" She asked.

Both me and Nathan looked at eachother and burst out laughing, our little girl is going too be one crazy teenager.

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