Labour and delivery

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I am now 38 weeks pregnant, since the gender reveal party both me and Nathan have put everything on hold, including Nathan's album release, our tour dates and new singles. Nathan has been so supportive and helpful with everything during the pregnancy.

Kelsey and Tom now have a little boy called Connor, he's the cutest baby in the world and is so well behaved. He looks so much like Tom but has a few similarities too Kelsey.

I was in the bedroom putting the washing away when my throat and mouth became really dry.

"Nath?" I yelled.

"Yes?" He yelled in return.

"Can you make me a drink please and bring it up here." I asked.

"Sure thing." He replied, I finished folding our clothes and putting them away when Nathan walked into the room with a glass of orange juice.

"Here you go love." He said handing me the glass. I sat down on the bed and downed the drink quickly.

"Geez you must've been thirsty." He chuckled, I nodded and laid down on the bed.

"Is it okay if I play on the Xbox for an hour or do you need me for anything?" He asked.

I shook my head, "no it's fine go and chill Nath, I'm just going too rest." I smiled closing my eyes. I heard him leave the bedroom and walk downstairs.

A few minutes later I had a really bad stomach, like there's pressure in my back and in my stomach. I got up from the bed and headed too the toilet. But still nothing worked.

I sat back down on the bed and the pain stopped, it must've been the baby moving or something. I laid back down in bed trying too get some more rest when the same pain returned but this time worse, and that when I knew something was wrong.

I stood up from the bed and walked towards the door when I felt liquid running down my legs. And my contractions began.

"Fuck." I sighed, as I clutched my stomach.

"NATH." I yelled, I heard running up the stairs and soon a worried Nathan ran into the room, his eyes landed on the water on the floor and down my legs.

"Right come on we are going too the hospital." He said, he grabbed the hospital bag from the wardrobe and held my hand as we walked down the stairs, stopping a few times because of my contractions.

We got into the car and made our way too the hospital, I could see the excitement in Nathan's face as we got closer and closer too the hospital. I was really excited too finally be able too meet my little girl.

We soon arrived at the hospital, the both of us rushed inside, but me obviously being slower than usual because of these fucking contractions.

We arrived at reception, "my wife Camila Sykes is in labour." Nathan said too the receptionist.

"Okay, Mrs Sykes." The receptionist smiled.

I walked up the desk, "Right I'm going too the take you too the maternity unit and then he nurse will come and see how many cm dilated you are and if you're ready too give birth." He receptionist explained walking over too us with a wheelchair.

She wheeled me too the maternity ward with Nathan following behind nervously. We arrived in one of the maternity rooms where I had too get changed into the paper gowns.

The contractions started getting worse when I sat on the hospital bed. I groaned out in pain, but Nathan kept his hand in my hand the whole time. Soon the nurse walked in with a smile on her face.

"Hello Mrs Sykes, I'll be your nurse for today, I'm just going too check how many centimetres dilated you are and then see if any anaesthetic is needed." She smiled, I nodded in understanding.

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