Ariana grande and depression

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Nathan's p.o.v
Me and the boys were currently in L.A doing recordings and a few preparations for our album. Camila and the girls were back home in London, I hate being away from Camila for a long period of time but she understands exactly how I feel.

Me and the boys were finishing up our recording session.

"Hey guys why don't we go out tonight?" I asked.

The boys furrowed the eyebrows, "Nath your not 21 for a few months yet you can't drink?" Max said.

I shrugged, "I just want too go out." I groaned, the boys nodded.

"Right boys you can go now, but Nathan can I have a word." Brian asked.

I nodded, the boys left which just left me and Brian in the studio.

"So what's up man?" I asked sitting on the sofa.

"So I heard you've written a song for the album?" He asked.

I nodded, "yes it's called show me love." I smiled, he nodded.

"Anyways scooter informed me that you'll be recording show me love back in England, but I've also got a proposition for you." Brian smiled.

I furrowed my eyebrows, what is he on about proposition?

"So you know you're doing a collab with Camila, well I think you should do another collab with Scooters new signed artist Ariana Grande what do you think?" He asked.

I sat there in deep thought, I would like to do another collab before mine and Camilas.

"Yeah I wouldn't mind doing another collab, so when will this get arranged?" I asked.

"Well Ariana is here in the studio so we can go and have a meeting with her now if you'd like?" Brian asked grabbing his bag.

I nodded and followed Brian out of the room. We walked along the corridor till we arrived at studio B.

Brian walked in with me behind him, as I walked in my eyes connected with a young girl who was very pretty not going to lie.

I walked over too the girl and shook her hand.

"Hello I'm Ariana and you must be Nathan." She smiled shaking my hand.

I nodded, "it's nice too meet you." I smiled.

"Right guys we already got the song name which is called Almost is Never Enough." Brian stated.

We nodded and listened too the tracking that Brian played, and it was fair to say that the song was amazing.

"So how about it then, are you guys up for doing a collaboration?" Brian asked.

I looked at Ariana who nodded, "yes." I said. Ariana clapped her hands and Brian just gave us a smile.

"Right guys I'm off now so I'll let you have time too get to know each-other." Brian said and left the room.

I sat down on the sofa with Ariana next too me, we had a chat to get to know eachother, I learnt that she has an older brother called Frankie and that she starred on Nickelodeon's shows Victorious and Sam and cat.

"So Nathan have you got a girlfriend?" She asked before taking a sip of water.

" yes, you know Camila Cabello don't you?" I asked.

Her eyes widened, " OH MY GOD, seriously your dating Camila Cabello?" She asked rather surprised.

I nodded, " yes I thought everyone knew by now?" I asked.

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