Vocal haemohorrage and vegas

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Nathan's voice was still sore and croaky so today we are going too the doctors too see what the problem is exactly.

"Are you ready?" I asked grabbing my bag from the bed.

"Im just telling myself I'm going too be fine." He said he grabbed his phone and we headed out of the room downstairs too meet Nano.

"Hey Nano." I said, he smiled at me and Nath.

"You guys ready?" He asked, I nodded I looked at Nath too see pain and fear in his face.

"Let's go." Nano said, we got into the car and headed too the doctor, Nathan was full of panic on his way too the doctors, the journey was silent but not an awkward silence.

We arrived at the doctors and I couldn't believe this was actually happening.

" we're here for the Nathan Sykes appointment." Nano said too the receptionist.

"Okay take a seat." The women said, "thank you." Nathan replied, we sat down and just waited.

"Mate." Nathan said turning too Nano.

"Of all the people that I could be here with, you are the least sentimental person." Nathan chuckled playing with his shades.

"What do you mean." Nano asked which made me laugh.

"Nathan Sykes." The doctor called. We got up and walked into the room Nathan sat into the chair in the middle of the room, I sat next too Nano in the corner.

"So your having trouble with the voice?" The doctor asked.

"Yeah it's just really uncomfortable too sing and the moment." Nathan croaked.

"So you doing any gigs or anything?" The doctor asked.

"We're just doing a lot of recording which is using my voice a lot." Nathan replied.

" Have you got any side events?" The doctor asked.

"Well they got a gig in Vegas on Tuesday which we need too discuss by the way Nath." Nano replied.

The doctor nodded, "okay let's take a look." The doctor said he grabbed a long metal camera, "okay Nathan open wide." Nathan opened his mouth as the doctor put the camera into his mouth.

"Okay say ehhhh." The doctor sang.

"Ehhhh." Nathan copied.

"Right let's talk, so you see here, all that red in that vocal cord is an explosive haemorrhage and this little thing here is a nodule." The doctor said pointing toward her screen I could see disappointment in Nathan's face.

" So we will have too shut you down, voice rest, and no eating spicy foods or fizzy drinks." The doctor demanded, Nathan nodded.

"Thank you doctor." Nathan and Nano said, we got back into the car and I could see Nathan wasn't himself.

I moved up next too him and cuddled him, he smiled at me and kissed the top of my head.

"Are you okay?" I asked, he sighed and shook his head.

"I'm worried, I just hope this voice rest will help." He said, I nodded.

We got back too the house too see everyone chilling in the pool, "Hey guys." They chorused.

"It's not good guys." Nano said.

"What's not good?" Tom asked.

"Nathan's not good." He replied, Nathan pointed at his throat.

"What is exactly the problem?" Tom asked running his fingers through his wet hair.

" he has an explosive haemorrhage with a nodule on his right vocal cord." Nano explained, I could see the worry in the boys faces, them performing is going too be different without Nathan.

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