Shutting out and revovery

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I was sat in the doctors for the rest of the night, working my voice hard too create another haemorrhage, I didn't speak too any of the girls or boys including Nathan.

"How are you feeling?" My mum asked, she haven't left my side since the operation, neither has Scooter.

"My throat is really sore." I groaned, soon the doctor walked in with a small smile on his face.

"Okay Camila let me check your throat."The doctor said grabbing the camera.

I opened my mouth as he inserted the camera down my throat, I just hope my voice is capable of having more surgery so I can sing again.

He removed the camera and looked at the screen, "okay Camila, it's good news. You've created another haemorrhage so we will remove it now and hopefully it will be successful and you can begin your recovery." He smiled, I sighed in relief.

I could see happiness in both my mums and scooters eyes, the nurses came into my room and rolled me out for surgery.

"Okay breathe." The nurse said as she put the anaesthetic over my mouth and nose.

"Don't fuck it up please."I begged as I drifted off into a deep sleep.

Nathan's p.o.v
I woke up from my rest too see the boys, Kelsey, Nareesha and my mum in the room, I couldn't help but let tears fall as I saw there faces.

They all gave me a hug and Max being Max played with my ears.

"Don't cry, your going too make me cry." Tom whimpered, I wiped my tears and just smiled.

"We made you a card." Siva said handing me a card which said get well soon baby Nath, ASAP. I couldn't help but release a little chuckle. I grabbed my board and quickly wrote.

"Any news on Camila?" I asked, the boys looked at eachother with frowns.

"She doesn't wan too see any of us, not even Kelsey." Jay said, I looked over at Kelsey who looked really upset not getting too see her best friend.

My sister Jess walked into the room giving me a huge smile, "hey bro." She said coming over and giving me a hug.

"Guys you'd never believe who I just saw." She said, we looked at her waiting too see what she says.

"Camila Cabello, the doctor was rolling her out of one of the rooms." She said, my heart dropped, I could see panic on the boys and girls faces.

"Nath isn't Camila your girlfriend?" My mum asked, Jess looked at me in shock.

I nodded, "hang on your dating Camila Cabello?" Jess asked, I nodded again.

"When the fuck were you going too tell me?"she raised her voice l, the boys started chuckling.

"Jessica Sykes language." My mum yelled, she rolled her eyes and looked at me, I grabbed my board.

"Haven't you watched any of The Wanted life yet?" She read our, she shook her head.

"No because mum won't let me watch it until all the episodes are released." She pouted, I could see my mum rolling her eyes.

" I can't believe your dating Camila Cabello, How did you meet her?" Jess asked.

I was about too write on my board when Kelsey explained for me, "both me and Camila went too school with Nathan, and then obviously Nathan left too join the band and Camila got signed by Scooter and only in the last month or so they saw eachother again." Kelsey explained.

Jess's eyes went wide, "So Camila is from Gloucester and went too our school?" She asked.

I nodded, " I'm sorry mum, but what the fuck!!." She yelled, my mum gave her a death glare which made me stifle a chuckle, "I'm not being funny big bro but she is way out of your league." She stated, I frowned. The boys and girls were in fits of laughter, I just rolled my eyes and put my middle finger up.

"So why is Camila here?" Jess asked.

I gulped, "she had polyps on both of her vocal chords but unfortunately the surgery was unsuccessful so she won't be able too sing again." I wrote.

Everyone's faces was in shock, I guess they didn't know about Camilas surgery. I watched as Kelsey broke down into tears.

"I can't believe she won't be able too sing again." Kelsey cried, I saw the boys wipe there eyes. Even though they haven't known the girls long they've become a huge part of our lives and careers and all of us love them too pieces, and knowing one of them was a singer like us and had the most incredible vocals ever can't sing again, it's really heartbreaking.

Camilas p.o.v

I woke up after my second surgery too see Dr Nasseri smiling at me, he grabbed my hand, "the nodule was huge, but the surgery was a success and I'm proud too say you'll be able too sing again if you follow the healing and recover proses correctly." He said, I felt tears form in my eyes.

I wrote down on my board, "don't tell any of them about this surgery, I want too make sure my voice will be healthier before they know." He nodded as left the room.

My mum and Scooter came rushing over too me with big smiles on there faces. I'm so proud of you darling." My mum said smoothing my head.

I smiled at her, I wrote down on my board, "so when will I be able too leave?"I asked.

"Tomorrow you can leave but you have too stay here with me and so will your mum, but Nathan and the rest are going home because they're starting there world tour in 2 months time starting at Capitals summertime ball, and hopefully that will be your comeback gig if your healing and recovery recovers faster than expected." I nodded, I felt my eyes beginning too feel heavy.

"We will leave you rest honey." My mum said, kissing my forehead.

"I'm going too go check up on Nath, and don't worry I promise I won't say anything too The anyone." Scooter said before leaving the room. I laid back in my bed and pulled up the blanket and fell straight too sleep.

Nathan's p.o.v
Scooter walked into my room with a forced smile on his face. "Hey how's the little guy doing?"Scooter Asked Dr Nasseri.

"He's doing great, he will be allowed too leave in a few hours, and then travel back home tomorrow, I've contacted a friend of mine who's a specialist doctor back in England who will see you regularly too make sure the healing proses is going in the right direction." The doctors explained too me and Nathan.

We both nodded, I quickly wrote in my board, "what about Camila?", scooter sighed, "well she'll have too stay here for a while because she got scarring on her vocal chords but she will soon be discharged and then she will be back home with me." I said.

"So what's are we doing?"Tom asked, I looked up at Scooter, "Well you guys got a world tour in 2 months so you'll be heading back to the U.K with Nathan and then hopefully Nathan will be able too perform at the summertime ball as his comeback."Scooter said which made me feel under a lot of pressure.

"What am I doing Scooter?" Kelsey asked, scooter thought for a moment.

"You'll be going back too the U.K with them because Camila wants too be left alone after receiving devastating news, and the fact that she's just lost her career and Nathan still got his she's feels like she's let everyone down." He said, I felt really bad about her doubting herself, and it really made me want too give her a hug.

"So Anyways I'll leave you rest, boys and girls you'd better start packing if i were you." Scooter suggested, they groaned.

"Oh and Nath, Camila told me too tell you she loves you." Scooter smiled, I couldn't help but smile, he alone left, and half hour later the boys, girls my mum and sister left too leave me rest.

I closed my eyes and prayed for Camila, hopefully she will be a able too overcome this.

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