Gender reveal

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I am now 5 months pregnant and my god how time flies. Nathan has been incredible especially with my cravings and mood swings. The boys and girls finally know about our pregnancy and they were super happy, Kelsey is now 8 and a half months pregnant and she is having a little girl, I'm so happy too see her and Tom together and happy. Max and Jay are now in a relationship, Max is with a model called Nina and Jay is with a girl called Sofia.

It was the day of my gender reveal and I'm so excited too find out if I'm having a boy or a girl. My mum is the only one who knows the gender as she set up this whole gender reveal idea.

I was downstairs getting everything ready for the party, Nathan was out shopping for drinks and some extra things for the party.

I was humming Nathan's new song Famous whilst preparing the food. I put the sausage rolls on the oven as Nathan strolled through the kitchen with his hands full.

He placed the drinks on the kitchen counter and turned too me.

"Look what I found" he grinned holding up a gender reveal cake which had blue and pink icing and little babies made out of fondant.

"Oh my god that's amazing." I astounded.

"I know I saw it then shop and I knew I had too get it." He smiled and placed the cake on the table.

"So do you want me too do anything." He asked wrapping his arms around my waist.

"No I've got it covered, anyways everyone will be arriving soon." I smiled and pecked his lips.

" Okay, love."

He left the kitchen and went into the living room as I finished off with the cooking. Soon everyone arrived.

"Hey my lovely niece." Scooter smiled and gave me a hug.

"Hey uncle Scooter."

"Now then where's baby Nath?" He smirked rubbing his hands together. I shrugged, Scooter walked off too find Nathan.

"How's my favourite cousin?" Logan smiled.

"Doing better my feet are killing me though." I complained, he chuckled.

"Well obviously your carrying a little vampire in your belly." He grinned.

I rolled my eyes, Logan walked further into the house. The boys and girls soon arrived, they all gave me a group hug.

"My god Cami you still look great even when your pregnant." Max winked.

I rolled my eyes, "yeah whatever."

"Hey boys." Nathan said as he came over too us.

"Hello daddy too be." Jay said giving Nathan a bro hug.

"I know, baby of the band is going too be a daddy." He cheered.

We all chuckled, and finally, my mum, Karen, Jess and Ariana arrived.

"Hello my beautiful daughter in law." Karen smiled giving me a big hug.

"Hello my amazing mother in law." I giggled returning the hug.

"Now then where's my son." She asked.

"He's with the boys having a beer in the kitchen." I told her, she nodded and walked into the kitchen.

"Hey Jess." I smiled giving her a hug.

"Hey Cami And hey baby." She comes towards my belly, I giggled at her enthusiasm.

She walked into the house further too see Nath. Ariana quickly gave me a hug and a Hello before going too see Scooter and Kelsey.

"Hello baby girl." My mum smiled walking over too me and giving me a big hug.

"Hey mum." I smiled and kissed the side of her head.

"How's the baby?" She asked.

"Always hungry." I groaned.

She giggled, "exactly like her mum." She winked.

I giggled, "yeah, and Nathan's been amazing literally every time I want food or I struggle too do something he's always there."

"Awe he's so sweet, Well I've got the balloon with the gender inside so where should I put it?" She asked.

"In the living room will do." I smiled, she nodded and carried the balloon into the living room.

I walked into the kitchen too see the boys and girls having a drink.

"Hey baby." Nathan smiled gripping me by the waist and bring me into his chest.

"Hey Nath, I really need a drink, so I'm going to-" I said but instantly got cut off with Nathan making my drink.

"There you are." He smiled handing me a glass of orange juice.

"Thanks, but Nath I can do things myself you know." I stated, he rolled his eyes.

"Your pregnant baby, and I don't mind doing things for you." He said.

I nodded in appreciation.

"So Cami, are you planning on having anymore kids." Siva asked.

I shook my head, "not for a while, try having an immortal baby." I chuckled.

"Yeah we will see, you and Nathan shag all the time." Kelsey said.

I choked on my orange juice, "shut up Kels." I said.

"What? It's the truth." She giggled.

I rolled my eyes, "yeah but so do you and Tom." I stated.

She shrugged, "oh I know." She winked, Tom chuckled and kissed Kelsey on the lips.

"So Reesh hows Ryland?" I asked. Ryland is Nareesha and Sivas 2 month year old son.

"Yeah he's great, he's crawling now." Nareesha smiled.

"Oh my that's great."

She nodded, "its time." My mum squealed.

Everyone made there way into the living room, me and Nathan stood in the centre with the balloon above our heads. Both of us held a pin, I could see the excitement in everybody's eyes, especially Naths.

"3, 2, 1." Everyone yelled, both me and Nathan burst the balloon as the pink balloons and streamers fell too the floor.

Everyone screamed in delight, Nathan picked me up and spun me around with happiness.

"I can't believe we are having a little girl." Nathan cheered, I could see tears of joy and happiness in his eyes.

" I know baby." I smiled and pecked his lips, everyone came around and gave us a group hug.

"Congrats guys." Everyone said.

"Thanks, I'm so happy right now." Nathan cried, everyone awed.

"Right let's get some food inside us." I said, everyone nodded as we went to the buffet and grabbed some food.

We dug into our food and had an amazing conversation. But sadly it was time for them too go.

"Bye guys." I waved goodbye, too everyone and shut the front door. I made my way back into the living room too see Nathan passed out on the sofa, he was snoring his head away, i decided too leave him be and head up too bed. I got changed into my pyjamas and brushed my teeth before getting into bed. I snuggled up too the duvet with my hand on my stomach and fell into a deep sleep.

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