Imagine #31 ~ Damon Salvatore

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*A/n* - Because it's been a while and I have a load of these pre-written! 

Hope you enjoy!


{The other side}

"Okay (Y/n), you'll have 2 hours to go in there, find Damon and bring him back." Bonnie said as her and Caroline lit some candles in the Salvatore mansion. "2 hours, okay." You breathed, shaking slightly.

"Sorry, (Y/n). It's the best that I can do without completely draining myself of my magic." She sighed. You knew that if Bonnie could go on for longer, she would. "And if I don't come back with him?" You asked. "Then we'll have to wait until I'm strong enough to perform the spell again." She said. Across the room, Enzo spoke. "And what happens if she doesn't make it back in time?" This was the first time that he had said anything since Bonnie announced that she would be able to connect with the other side, meaning that you could go over, get Damon and bring him home. "That won't happen." Bonnie stated as she lit the last candle and stood in the centre of them; Caroline moved out of her way. "Are you sure that you want to do this, Bonnie?" He asked again, "because I really don't think that-"

"Enzo. I have to do this." Was all she said. Enzo remained quiet once more. Bonnie looked at you. "Are you ready (Y/n)?" She asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

"I'll be able to communicate with you. When you're reaching the end of the 2 hours, a storm will pick up. That'll give you 20 mins to get back." She stopped. "You'll more than likely be in the Salvatore mansion on the other side. That is where the portal will be." With that the room fell silent and cold as Bonnie chanted her incantations. There was an energy in the room before suddenly everyone was gone, and you were alone. "Guys?" You asked, as you realised that you were on the other side. Bonnie was right, you were in the Salvatore mansion. It looked exactly the same as it did now.

"Damon?" You asked, running through the house. "Damon?" You were in the kitchen. You looked at the table, there was a newspaper on it. "1994?" You said. Damon had been stuck in 1994; his own personal hell. 'Why 1994?' You asked yourself but you knew that right now was not a time to be wasted. You had to find Damon. You searched the entirety of the house, even looking in the cellar in case he thought that he might go rouge on the loss of blood in his diet and therefore resulted to chaining himself up, but he wasn't there. You left the house and ran into the town centre. No-one else was there. It filled you with grief to think that Damon had been stuck here, by himself with no one to talk to; but that was all about to change. "Damon!" You continued to shout throughout the town. You checked everywhere that he could possibly be, the Salvatore Mansion, the grill, the hospital, the police department. He was nowhere to be seen. "What if he's not here." You thought to yourself, it was like you had been stabbed and, in that moment, you genuinely believed that you were never going to see him again. That's when it hit you. You knew where he'd be. You ran out of the town centre as fast as your feet would carry you and headed to the only place that you hadn't looked. Your house. That feeling that you had felt moments before had gone and now you were filled with hope. "Damon!" You shouted as you saw him, sitting on the swing on your front porch. He stood up and looked at you "(Y/n)?" He asked, smiling. You ran into his arms as he embraced you. "What are you doing here?" He asked, his voice was filled with disbelief.

"I've come to bring you home." You said as he kissed you. "I thought I'd never see you again. I love you (Y/n)."

"I love you too Damon." You stated as the wind began to pick up. "Come on, we don't have long. Bonnie is holding the portal open." With that you ran back to the Salvatore mansion hand in hand. There was so much that you wanted to say to him, but you couldn't seem to find the words. Your main priority right now was to make sure that you got Damon. back home to where he was meant to be. You reached the Salvatore Mansion just in time and the storm turned violent. The energy that had surrounded you when you were with Bonnie, Enzo, and Caroline was there once more. Damon gripped your hand tight before the ringing returned in our ears, forcing you to close your eyes. When it stopped, you opened and found yourself back with Bonnie, Enzo, Caroline, and most importantly Damon. He wrapped his arms around you. "I thought that I'd never see you again." He pulled away from you. "I love you to much Damon. Please don't ever leave me again." You told him, before he kissed you.

"I wouldn't dream of it." He said.

Word Count: 856

Ian Somerhalder + Damon Salvatore {Imagines}Where stories live. Discover now