The World of Nanatsu No Taizai III

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As Algaia reunites with Ban at last, the journey to the deep world of O'Valtameri continues. If the goddesses vanished, why would they meet one now? The questions continued to pile up and Algaia is eager to find the answers as quickly as possible.


Algaia: Ban, we need to get moving. :/ I've got a feeling that something is going on.

Ban: Right. Merlin actually went ahead of us, says she wants to check something out.

Algaia: Oh, okay. So Arthur went with her, huh?

Ban: Yup. So how are you feeling?

Algaia: Uhh I'm fine, I think?

Juha: *sighs* If only you weren't so stupid and ate food offered by an enemy *facepalm* -__-"

Algaia: *GASPS* JUHA!! >:@ why are you so upset so early?!

Juha: =__= Let's go. We can't keep getting separated from the others.

Algaia starts walking with Ban and Juha to search for others. She grows curious as to why Ban does not recognize Elaine and why everyone else seem to have a messed up memory. She glances at Juha as if she wants to ask him something.

Algaia: Ne, Juha--

Juha: What is it?

Algaia: :( why do you think everyone has messed up memories?

Ban: *listening quietly*

Juha: My speculations point to that Lukael fellow. I told you, he takes memories. You saw what he did with Crow.

Algaia: Crow was always suffering... because of his past... and now that he's trying to get over it, he gets consumed by Lukael who was supposed to be his ally...? I'm lost! Aren't they "angels"?

Juha: Well, I'm sure Hayce has told you at one point how fallen angels become corrupted.

Algaia: Not Hayce but I'm sure Nile was a fallen angel... but I took him home! I brought him back in the past. Are you saying Lukael and the others were corrupted angels? :(

Ban: Who the heck are you guys talking about? Besides, who is this pink haired guy??

Algaia: (OH THAT'S RIGHT BAN IS HERE LMFAO HOW CAN U FORGET SUCH A HOT PRESENCE NEAR YOU, ALGAIA?!?!) Uhh it's about an anime I was watching a while back, Juha is a nerd weeb you see

Juha: ^_^" Excuse me???????????? Ms. Algaia Keehl who acts animeish and shit?

Algaia: OMFG don't bring back my cringey weeaboo days! >//////<

Ban: I don't get it. Maybe captain Meliodas know what you guys are talking about. He talks about some weird stuff too sometimes. HEHE, that's why I love to mess with captain~!

Algaia: I love it when you guys go at it with each other!! LIKE PLS BEAT EACH OTHER UP SOME MORE I LOVE IT

Ban: Nyahahaha you sound crazy, I like it!

Juha: Oh my god, of all people I get to be babysitting, it has to be these two. *sighs*

The path remains silent and peaceful. The enigmatic ocean creatures that "swim" along the sky seems magical and captivates anyone's attention. As Algaia looks up, she points at a certain "fish" swimming rapidly towards their direction.

Algaia: Uh.. guys?

Ban: Me? Idk, you can try. But you see I just can't fucking die

Juha: Really? What if you get frozen and shattered like glass?

Ban: Nah those shit can work but I mean physically you can't kill me easily

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