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He was busy sorting the papers by grade with his mother when a figure kicked down the door. The figure was a boy about his age. His hair was brown/blonde. His face was chiseled and regal, like one of those sport oriented students that he had always found repulsive. He wore a short tunic, weathered boots, and silvery light armour that showed off his lightly tanned arms. Victor stood up and yelled: "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" The boy sneered: "You're coming with me." And the boy lunged out with his powerful arms and gripped his collar. With superhuman strength, he launched into the air and broke through the second floor and the roof. Victor landed a solid kick into his gut, and the boy dropped him onto the roof.

The air rushed out of Victor's lungs. His naturally talented quick thinking skills kicked into overdrive. He sprang up and launched himself off the roof, clinging to a pipe and sliding down it. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a knife. He stabbed the blade into the pipe, slashing it open, sending sewage flying at the other boy. The other boy recoiled in disgust. However, the blonde boy landed off the roof several feet next to Victor and lashed out at his general direction. To Victor's own surprise and his attacker's, he dodged the blade. He sprinted off in the other direction.

Victor ran back to the bank of the Thames. His attacker in hot pursuit. Victor realised he wouldn't be able to beat his follower in sheer combat. He'd have to outsmart this blonde kid. He saw him now, his blonde hair radiant in the rain, shining with moisture. He counted down, 20 paces... 15 paces... 10 paces... 5 paces... NOW!

Victor lunged out of the way and his attacker plummeted over the edge of the guard rail. Victor hit his hand hard against the wet stone floor.He scraped his left hand hard. Behind him he heard a distant 'SPLASH!' Victor got up gingerly, wrapping a shredded portion of his shirt, that tore under his leather jacket, as dressing for his bleeding palm. He was busy ambling away from the bank when he heard something go clunk behind him. He turned around to see the blonde boy rise from the water again. His hair plastered to his head, his tunic stuck to his body and his blue eyes were livid. And now in his hands, an ornate sword, one of perfect craftsmanship. The boy yelled and swung at Victor's head.

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