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He felt his wings start to give way as he began to lose altitude. He just felt lost. He thought for sure when Loki revealed what he had done to those jotuns Maximilian would leave him in disgust.

But he didn't.

He helped him escape. And now Victor couldn't look Maximilian in the eyes. Despite everything he'd done to him, he still never gave up.

His mind zoomed back, when he came out of solitary confinement, his mind felt completely broken, like emotions were bouncing around both uncontrollable happiness and uncontrollable pain. Almost he had to latch onto something. So when he came out, Loki told him: "Be my warrior. But quid pro quo, I will return what has been lost to you." Touching his temple, images of Skylar flashed and the essence of Loki, not dissimilar to the power surge in Niflheim, filled his psychic cuts and cracks in his sanity. He latched on not only to the possibility of Loki possibly resurrecting her, but also doing Loki's bidding, setting loose his inhibitions.

When Maximilian used his healing power on him, the darkness and anger from Loki's meddling subsided ever so slowly, Maximilian was able to not only see inside his mind but heal the cuts and cracks in his mind, returning his original personality. Sounded good right? Not really. The experience left him disoriented, forcing him to oscillate between his darker side and his true personality. So during the confrontation, he felt weaker for he was ensure about his emotions, interfering with the link to the runes.

He was cut out of his thoughts when he flew straight into a cliff.

Stunned from the blow, he fell from the sky as a human as he shifted back. Falling nearly 20 feet into a huge mound of sand and dirt was probably not good for him either. Gingerly clambering out, he clutched his side as blood started to leak out something sharp must have hit him. The blood loss wasn't too high, but he probably didn't even hit anything, he still had residual wounds from his fight with Maximilian. His leather jacket's flames were gone and his jacket was tattered. He pulled out his Dagaz dowel and instead of turning it into a sword, he turned it into a shortspear to use as a walking cane. As he limped through the foggy forests, a light snow had begun to fall. Coating the trees with a delicate frost and biting Victor with the cold sting of ice.

Victor slowly felt the ice sap the shredded, limited strength from him. The lower half of his jacket was covered in blood as his breathing became more laboured with pain. As he continued aimlessly through the forest, trying to find some civilisation, his vision slowly darkened as his knees weakened.

When he woke, he found himself swaddled in blankets of brown fur, some leathery warm plasters that seemed to wrap his torso. His jeans were still on, to his benefit? The room was a log cabin with polished wooden walls and had curtains drawn up but dusk light spilled through. In addition the room had a large book shelf packed runic volumes. As he rolled out of bed, his legs were completely numbed and he collapsed onto the floor. Upon the extremely audible noise, a strict motherly voice came from around the corner: "Oh you're awake, good."

Victor glanced up to see a middle-sized woman, wavy dirty blonde hair, amber eyes, and a simple cream tunic. Her skin was extremely pale like all the other jotuns. Her eyes seemed to sparkle with wonder and a zest that seemed to be unimpeachable. She held her hand down amiably: "Hi, I'm Angrboda, and I found you in the woods."

Victor weakly lifted himself off the floor and shook her hand: "You're Loki's second wife."

Angrboda shrugged: "That I am. Although I would not like to be associated with him as much. But who are you?"

Victor slowly sat down on the bed and began to speak: "I'm Victor... L-Lokison and basically it all began when I found my father's rune at the bottom of a Midgardian river, when I met my- friend, Maximilian. Who under completely bogus charges took me back to Asgard for trial for possessing the power of Loki. My father sent giants to attack Asgard and claim me, but my friend Maximilian and I escaped. We fell into Niflheim where we were separated. I met another friend, daughter of Skadi, her name was Skylar." His voice caught on her name: "And she helped me to get to Hrym's castle. We severely underestimated the strength of Hrym, but at the dire time, Loki sent forth to me his strength as an attempt to tempt me to his cause. I refused on the grounds that I needed to be strong on my own. My father sent Gullveig to trick me with magic but I just barely got the better of her. In retaliation my father had the audacity to send us to the cave of Fafnir. My friend Skylar blew the dragon up with an arrow down the throat to the stomach. I infiltrated the palace of Surtur, disguised as a woman, one of my finer moments." Victor smiled wryly remembering that memory. His heart seemed elated upon reminiscing. Nevertheless: "My friend Skylar, being of frost jotun descent was declining in perpetuity so we barely got out of Muspelheim. Wait, I forgot. In Niflheim, Loki gave me a passage to follow and because I was naive and desperate I followed his direction. Apparently all the thrones in the realms of Niflheim Muspelheim and Helheim are linked up. So we went through Surtur's throne and landed in Helheim. In Helheim I sort of confessed my love to Maximilian, and you know what, that's not important. Anyhow, I got kidnapped by Narvi and Vali and Skylar saved me and Maximilian. Next we were imprisoned in Hela's palace and the final throne needed to have a sacrifice to power up. And my friend Skylar took the fall for us." He willed himself to keep it together: "Anyhow, after we left, Loki diverted our path to him and I was forced to free him in exchange for Maximilian's life. Thereafter we chased Loki to Svartalfheim where his spear was to forged. It's a doubled ended flaming spear which actually looks pretty neat with the ability to cut portals into existence. Also I found out Gullveig's my mom, so that's terrifying. Back to the story, Loki kidnapped Maximilian and I took his place where I was subject to more or less psychological torture from Loki. I broke. I just couldn't." His face was contorted in horror and fear as he recount as images of torture swam back into mind.

At this point Angrboda sat down next to him: "I know kid. You know I was Loki's second wife right?"

Victor nodded morosely: "Didn't you mother Hela, Fenris, and Jormungandr?"

Angrboda laughed which louder like a clear stream: "Those trouble makers. I left Loki because we couldn't agree on how to raise them. After Loki let Odin take them away I couldn't look at Loki without being angry at what he had let my kids suffer through."

Victor smiled: "What did you see in Loki?"

Angrboda put her arm on Victor: "I have one talent and that's foresight. And I can show people these visions, but sometimes it's not the future but my own temperament and wishful thinking. I thought I could be the one to charm the trickster."

Victor snickered: "I'm guessing that wasn't your smartest choice?"

Angrboda nudged Victor playfully: "I'm telling the story kid."

Victor shrunk back dramatically: "My mistake ma'am. Do continue!"

With a quick chuckle, Angrboda continued: "Afterwards Loki kinda just left me while he got himself imprisoned. About Sigyn, we corresponded extensively, I told her that Loki would break her heart and that I could control him better... poor Sigyn, so trusting. I was very sorry when I heard she died. But about your mother, pardon my description, but she is as treacherous as they come. Nonetheless I can think of no one else better to match the tricksiness of Loki. May the snakes be happy together."

Victor felt a warmth within grow as he laughed with Angrboda. He could tell why Loki would enjoy her company, anyone would. After a long light conversation with Angrboda filled with laughter and playful jabs at each other, bonding with his step mother, Angrboda asked: "So what's it like between you and your boyfriend? He treating you well?"

Victor's smile softened as he got a faraway look in his eye: "I love him. But as I've told you, I've done plenty of bad to him."

Angrboda responded courteously: "Why don't you want to go to him?"

Victor shook his head: "I can't face him without feeling horrible about what I've done. He's the only person who's ever loved me so."

Angrboda cling onto the topic: "But he forgives you!"

Victor punched the bed in frustration: "But I don't forgive myself!"

Angrboda knelt on the floor in front of Victor: "If you don't go back to him, you will never see him again, the only person you will ever find that will love you as much as you love him, is going to lapse. There's too much to lose in not trying than the contrary."

Victor looked up: "You drive a very convincing point."

Angrboda nodded earnestly: "I know."

Victor pouted: "No need to get arrogant."

Angrboda rolled her eyes: "It's a good thing that I'm clairvoyant. I can tell you where your boyfriend is, and when you go tomorrow morning once you're back in fighting form, you better make it up to him Victor. Now, I'm going to make dinner, you get some rest."

When Angrboda left the room, Victor thought for a while, what he wouldn't give to have a mother like Angrboda.

A mother.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2019 ⏰

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