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When Maximilian walked through the door, he felt his heart take wing. He had become strong enough to stand again. He was covered with small barely visible bandages. He slipped back into his clothes as the female doctor that had nursed him, doctor Smith, lead Maximilian in and told Victor: "You're good to go Victor... Lokison?" Victor nodded his thanks: "I'll be going with my b- friend Max." He pocketed his dowel and shook the doctor's hand: "Thank you for what you've done." Doctor Smith nodded: "You're welcome. But I do have a lot of cold related maladies to tend to, these are strange times." And with that she rushed off. Maximilian lowly muttered: "These are strange times indeed." Maximilian turned to look at Victor who had slipped into new combat boots and his new shirt and black jacket. Maximilian flocked his head towards the door: "Let's go. I have news for you when we get back to the house."

Back in the house, Victor and Maximilian hung up their coats, Maximilian started: "Odin has a new mission for us-" Victor interrupted: "Maximilian, teach me how to fight." Victor saw Maximilian's jaw drop. Maximilian stuttered out: "But Victor... I mean I'd be honoured, but you're powerful enough. I've never seen a mortal without centuries of practice wield magic like you do. The magical capabilities of Loki and Gullveig run in your veins. Why do you want to learn armed combat?"

Victor shook his head: "Maximilian. I faced many foes, I've never been good enough to beat them without being advantaged in one way or another. Against Hrym I was borrowing power from Loki and I still didn't win fully. I only got a lucky shot in on Gullveig because she didn't expect me and it still didn't do anything to her. Fafnir, I was just a support. I hit Surtur once and ran. And I rather not recount Helheim. Then my powers were heightened by anger and I was nearly killed by Thrym. I need to be better so I can beat people reliably in a fair fight if Ragnarok is coming. I know 'fair fight' sounds odd coming from a trickster's child, but I can't have trickery be my only weapon. I need to be able to use my powers not with my emotions but with my best weapon yet, my mind."

Maximilian listened to Victor's plea. And he nodded: "I will ensure you are the finest warrior you can be. You will do well during Ragnarok. But at the same we must protect the realms while the gods are stuck on Asgard. I believe before I went to collect you, my father has sent us something to help with that task." Both boys heard a mess of sounds from outside the door that sounded like hooves. Victor opened the door and before then stood a beautiful white mare with eight legs and with red speckles all over its coat. Maximilian looked at the mare reverentially: "Sleipnir. Welcome to Midgard." Sleipnir whinnied in recognition. Maximilian looked at Victor: "Meet your half brother." Victor went pale and looked as if he was going to puke.

Maximilian explained: "Sleipnir is a free spirit, he'll only be here when we're needed. Victor we need to go." He said as he Maximilian mounted Sleipnir and held a hand down for Victor to follow him up. Victor took his hand and was pulled up: "Where are we going Maximilian?"

Maximilian responded: "Wherever there is strife."

With that, Sleipnir galloped into the branches of Yggdrasil, the world tree, jumping into dimensions on their way to stop interdimensional threats.

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